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Rudolf Mayer

Research Interests

Rudolf’s research interest include, but are not limited to, machine learning (especially privacy-preserving aspects of machine learning, as well as security of machine learning), information and data management, information retrieval, information visualization, text and music mining, and digital preservation.


Rudolf is working as a senior researcher at SBA Research since February 2011. He received his master’s degree in Business Informatics from the TU Wien in 2004, his master’s degree in Computer Science in 2012, and is currently working towards a PhD degree.

Previously, he worked for several years as a researcher at the TU Wien, where he was involved in numerous national and international research projects, including DELOS, MUSCLE (Multimedia Understand through Semantics, Computation and Learning), Preservation and Long-term Access Networked Services (PLANETS), and Digital Memory Engineering (DME).

At SBA Research, his research focus lies on machine learning, specifically including privacy-preserving learning and security of machine learning, and data management, among others in the currently ongoing research projects FeatureCloud (EU H2020), focusing on privacy-preserving federated learning, and projects funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG): WellFort, KnoP-2D, PRIMAL, and Gastric.
He was previously involved in two projects dealing specifically with health data, the project DEXHELPP, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and the EU H2020 project MyHealthMyData.

He further worked on the preservation of Business and Research Processes, in the concluded EU-funded FP7 projects TIMBUS and APARSEN.

He is author of numerous papers at refereed international conferences, journal articles and book chapters. He is reviewer and co-reviewer for several international conferences.

Publications TU Wien