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Matthias Gusenbauer

Matthias Gusenbauer

was researcher at SBA Research.

Research Interests

Matthias’ research focused on bridging people and technology to solve issues in security and privacy. In order to accomplish this he combined usable security with applied cryptography for privacy enhancing technologies.


Matthias received his bachelor’s degree from the TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and worked previously in quality assurance at a Viennese mobile application developer. There, his interest in security emerged during thorough testing that expanded beyond functional and usability testing. After he started his research career at SBA Research, he went to the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo as visiting rhttps://www.tuwien.at/enesearcher where he worked on visualizing network traces. During a second stay at NII as part of Echizen Laboratory he worked on visualizing the Bitcoin blockchain for his master’s thesis at the TU Wien. In 2018, he finished his master’s degree and now he works on the applications of secure multiparty computation in collaboration with the Tokyo Institute of Technology where he currently resides as a visiting researcher.