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Lizzie Coles-Kemp

Lizzie Coles-Kemp

is member of the Scientific Board of SBA Research and Professor in Information Security at the Royal Holloway, University of London.

Research Interests

Lizzie is a qualitative researcher who uses creative engagement methods to explore everyday practices of information production, protection, circulation, curation and consumption within and between communities. Lizzie’s research interests focus on the intersections between individual securities, societal security and technological security.


Lizzie BA (Hons), MSc PhD (London) was awarded her BA in Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics from the University of Hull in 1988. She then worked as a UNIX software trainer and translator for several years, specializing in applications adapted for variants of secure UNIX. In 1991, she joined the Swedish security software company Dynamic Software AB, eventually becoming director of the UK subsidiary, DynaSoft Ltd, with responsibility for UNIX security and smart card projects across Europe and in the US.

In 1997 Lizzie left DynaSoft to become global IT Security Officer for the British Council and completed the Information Security MSc at Royal Holloway. She was also a Lead Assessor for Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) auditing organisations to ISO/IEC 27001 and tScheme.  In 2008, she completed her PhD in information security and organizational cybernetics and took up a full-time academic post in the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her current research specialises in public and community service design and consumption. Lizzie is currently an EPSRC research fellow with a research programme in everyday security and digital service design.

List of publications