SBA Research is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.
The second virtual ARES & CD-MAKE conference was held from August 17 to August 20, 2021. We were proud to welcome over 340 participants from 39+ countries to this second all-digital ARES & CD-MAKE conference! The four conference days were filled with internationally renowned keynote speakers,… Read More
The Cyber Security Quiz, a learning and gaming app for learning security and privacy, is nominated in the category “Education and human resources development” of this year eAward. We are all online almost every day. But few know the footprint we leave on the internet and the dangers… Read More
SBA Research is happy to announce that the KIRAS project “G-Star: Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien“ was granted. Kevin Mallinger and Johanna Ullrich (SBA Research) will be working on the project in cooperation with the BKA (Federal Chancellery Republic Austria), BMI… Read More
DECSYS, SBA’s Decentralized Systems Group, and their BRIDGE project SESC – Secure Execution of Smart Contracts have recently been featured as an FFG Success Story. DECSYS conducts research beyond hype topics like cryptocurrencies in order to achieve a better understanding of DLT requirements, identify… Read More
Starting today, the 26th conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA’2021) takes place in a virtual setting until next Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Dimitris Simos, the leader of SBA Research’s MATRIS research group, serves as the program chair. The conference is organized… Read More
Stephanie Jakoubi, SBA’s Head of Strategic Partner Management, has collected 200 inspiring stories from women in IT. We are also proud to welcome our 56th FEMtech intern and are piloting a new initiative for female STEM students. Read more here (in German). Read More
The 15th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION15), hosted by SBA Research, is currently taking place as all-digital conference. Panos Pardalos (General Chair), Dimitris E. Simos (TPC Chair) and Ilias Kotsireas (Local Organizing Chair) are welcoming contributors from 29 countries and are happy… Read More
In the pioneering days of information technology, women played an essential role – well-known examples are Ada Lovelace, who developed an algorithm and is considered the first female programmer ever, or Dorothy Vaughan, whose work contributed significantly to… Read More
Energy providers, banks or even healthcare organizations, if identified as operators of essential services, must ensure that their network and information systems are as resilient as possible in crisis situations. They are therefore required by the EU Directive on security of network and information systems (the NIS Directive), implemented… Read More
SBA-K1, our main strategic research endeavor, has been granted continued funding for the period 2017-2025 under the FFG COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) K1-Centres program line. The first four years of our current COMET period (2017 – 2021) have been tremendously successful. We were able to… Read More