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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

Research Group from Taiwan Visits SBA

During this year’s MoMM conference in Vienna, Prof. Leon S.L.Wang, Prof. i-Hsien Ting und Prof. Wen-Yang Lin (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan) as well as Prof. Hung-Yu Kao (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) visited SBA Research. During the site visit future cooperation in the fields of social networking, security and… Read More

Keynote at SIN conference

Edgar Weippl gave the opening keynote at this year’s SIN conference in Turkey on “Social Engineering Attacks on the Knowledge Worker and the Digital Native”. Together with Bart Preneel and Josef Pieprzyk, Edgar was on a panel discussion organized by Ali Aydin Selcuk.    … Read More

SBA joined PlanetLab

SBA is now member of PlanetLab, a globally distributed research network.

ENSIA Security Awareness Month

In course of the ENISA Security Awareness Month 2013, Katharina Krombholz gave a talk about digital forensics at the University of Applied Science FH Technikum Wien.

iPRES 2013 Best Paper Award goes to researchers at SBA

The Best Paper Award of this year’s International Conference on Preservation (iPRES 2013) of Digital Objects has been awarded to Stephan Strodl and Rudolf Mayer, researchers at SBA, and their co-authors for their contribution “Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments”. This paper is a… Read More

ARES Conference 2013

The ARES Conference 2013 started today. The 8th International Conference takes place from 02-06 of September 2013 at the University of Regensburg, Germany. 220 researchers and practitioners from 38 countries are participating.      … Read More