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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: GlanceBox

NIST Grant awarded to MaTRIS research group

Computer data breaches cost companies millions of dollars each year. When combined with the damage leaks of private information do to consumers, the total cost of security issues is even greater. Many systems, including blockchains and Internet of Things systems, are created secure at the design level. However, mistakes in… Read More

Dimitris E. Simos, Kristoffer Kleine and Bernhard Garn @ IWCT 2018

Dimitris Simos chairs the Seventh International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT 2018) on April 13, 2018. Kristoffer Kleine presents the paper “CAmetrics: A Tool for Advanced Combinatorial Analysis and Measurement of Test Sets” (joint work with Manuel Leithner and Dimitris E. Simos). IWCT 2018 takes place in Västerås, Sweden and… Read More

CST Tutorial @ HotSoS 18, Raleigh, NC, USA

Dimitris Simos (SBA Research) and Rick Kuhn (NIST) are presenting a crash course on combinatorial security testing at the Symposium and Bootcamp for Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HotSoS ’18). The event takes place at Raleigh, NC, USA and is sponsored by the NSA in cooperation… Read More

A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! @ FC´18 Bitcoin Workshop

The paper “A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice” by Alexei Zamyatin, Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Philipp Schindler, Edgar Weippl and William J. Knottenbelt, in cooperation with the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering (IC3RE), was presented at the 5th Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain… Read More

Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis for Dr. Johanna Ullrich

Johanna Ullrich finally got her PhD officially awarded sub auspiciis Praesidentis in presence of the Austrian president Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen. This type of promotion is the highest honor for achievement, and the laureates receive a gold ring from the president. The tradition dates back to the 17th… Read More

Bernhard Garn presenting tool demo at HVC

At the 13th Haifa Verification Conference [HVC], Bernhard Garn was presenting a tool demo [KERIS] for the accepted paper “KERIS: A CT Tool of the Linux Kernel with Dynamic Memory Analysis Capabilities” (Bernhard Garn, Fabian Würfl, and Dimitris E. Simos). HVC is organized by IBM Research… Read More

Dimitris Simos @ HVC17 in Haifa

Today at the 13th Haifa Verification Conference [HVC] Dimitris Simos is invited to give a tutorial on Combinatorial Security Testing. HVC is organized by IBM Research Haifa.      … Read More

Dimitris Simos @ University of Bergamo

Dimitris Simos is invited to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bergamo, Italy from May 22 to June 5 as visiting scholar. The host is Prof. Angelo Gargantini.