SBA Research is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.
Tomasz Miksa held a talk at the 18th RDA Plenary: Biomedical Research Data Management and Sharing: From Policies to Culture Change on November 10, 2021. Title: Fostering cultural change in data sharing on the example of machine actionable Data Management Plans Tomasz was one of the invited speakers whose… Read More
One of our Key Researchers, Johanna Ullrich, was interviewed for the ORF "Dok1" documentary "Nichts geht mehr: Sieben Tage ohne Strom" about an experience of a one-week-blackout. Read More
The “Blockchain” hype of recent years increasingly attracts attention due to the financial aspects of Cryptocurrencies and raises interest in the opportunities offered by the underlying protocols. These technologies, commonly referred to as distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), cover several application areas. The increasing use of DLTs in both large enterprises… Read More
Nicholas Stifter, SBA Research, wrote a great introductory article (in German) on Trust and Blockchains for the OCG magazine (Ausgabe 01-02, 2020). Read the full article here!
The Laravel framework versions between 11.9.0 and 11.35.1 are susceptible to reflected cross-site scripting due to an improper encoding of route parameters in the debug-mode error page. ∞