SBA Research is happy to establish the first securepizza.club!
The club will serve as a platform for students and as a get-together. A place where you can watch security videos (DEF CON, Black Hat etc.), talk about new security issues and exchange ideas. Pizza & Drinks will be provided by us.
The goal is to build up a better and stronger relationship with students.
We will host up to four events per year, featuring different topics of information security. So if you can’t make it to one you are more than welcome to join another date.
Upcoming Events:
10th event: 10.04.2025 Topic: securepizza.club – Cybersecurity with Extra Cheese
If you need further information please contact:
Nicolas Petri: NPetri@sba-research.org
Past Events:
Grand opening: 10.10.2019
2nd event: 16.01.2020 Topic: CCC2019
3rd event: 10.11.2021 Topic: securepizza.club strikes back
4th event: 02.06.2022 Topic: securepizza.club – unleashed
5th event: 25.10.2022 Topic: securepizza.club – semester opening
6th event: 30.03.2023 securepizza.club – Easter Special
7th event: 16.11.2023 securepizza.club 2023
8th event: 11.04.2024 securepizza.club – Easter Special 2024
9th event: 24.10.2024 securepizza.club – Back to School 2024!