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The successful operation, maintenance, and further development of critical infrastructures like the Internet, mobile networks, or the power grid are key for life in our technology-oriented societies. The nEtwork and cRitical Infrastructure Security Group, short ERIS, focuses on the protection of complete infrastructures comprising of complex, interconnected systems. We particularly investigate (I) the Internet representing nowadays’ prime communication infrastructure, (II) mobile networks bringing the Internet anywhere, and (III) the power grids supplying the energy that is necessary for life in our technology-oriented societies.

Our research topics include:

  • Network measurements
    As a consequence of its decentralized organization, no map of the Internet is available and instead measurement experiments, similar to those in natural sciences like physics, are necessary to gain insights in the Internet’s current state. We develop novel measurement methods and run large-scale Internet measurement campaigns. Among others, the gained information allows to understand currently deployed Internet technology or the prevalence of vulnerabilities, and serves as a foundation for further improvement of the Internet as a whole.
  • IPv6 measurements
    Due to address scarcity, the Internet currently undergoes a major transition from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to version 6 (IPv6). This does not only vastly increase the address space for measurement campaigns, but also gives raise to new vulnerabilities. We develop new resp. adapt existing methods for IPv6, and investigate how security changes when operating IPv6 or Dualstack (simultaneous operation of both protocols).
  • Measurement platforms
    We operate two permanent research platforms, namely the Austrian Internet Measurement Hub (AIM) for active Internet measurements, and MobileAtlas for measurements in mobile networks. The platforms are also made available other researchers and students, e.g., for their bachelor or master theses.
  • Power grid security
    The on-going digitization of legacy infrastructures makes them vulnerable to cyber-launched attacks. In this context, we develop novel attacks against the power grid and its ecosystem facilitated by these new digital opportunities in order to strengthen the resilience of this vital infrastructure.

Our research has lasting impact. Among others, our work (I) motivated the revision of RFC4941, an IPv6 address format for privacy detection, and respective implementations in client operating systems, (II) revealed multiple misconfigurations on the Internet and lead to the improvement at national ISPs, and (III) revealed vulnerabilites that were responsibly disclosed to the vendors.


The ERIS – Networks and Critical Infrastructures Security Research Group participates in the following research projects:


Nationale und regionale Modelle, Gefährdungs- und Zukunftsszenarien für das österreichische Stromnetz

Das Stromnetz steht momentan vor großen Herausforderungen wie Die konkrete Gefährdung durch Stromausfälle als Konsequenz… Read More

SBA-K1 (FP2)

SBA Research - K1 (FP2)

For our second research period from 2021 – 2025, we have devised an ambitious work… Read More


Adaptive AI/ML for Dynamic Cybersecurity Systems

The application of AI/ML to cybersecurity (AI4SEC) is increasingly becoming a paramount need to protect… Read More

IPv6 Scanning

Handling Data from IPv6 Scanning

In this project, we will develop a data storage and analysis solution for high-speed IPv6… Read More


Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien

The G-Star study aims to record the cooperative structures of Austrian crisis management and to… Read More

AutoCyberSec – Training

Techniken aus dem Security Testing für die Bedrohungsmodellierung im Bereich Automotive

Project overview Modern Security Testing and threat modelling meets the Automotive domain. The participants learn… Read More



MobileAtlas is an international measurement platform for cellular networks… Read More


Identification and Disintegration of Single Points of Failure on the Internet

In this project, we investigate the Internet’s diversity and identify technologies that are too big… Read More


Future of Online Anonymity

Core of the project on the Future of Online Anonymity (FuOnA) is to advance the technical means… Read More

SBA-K1 (FP1)

SBA Research - K1 (FP1)

In our increasingly connected world – where almost all aspects of daily life depend on… Read More


Secure Connected Trustable Things

The project SCOTT focused on “trustable things that communicate securely” – including vehicles, control systems… Read More


Framework to Cyber-Physical System Security

The project “Framework to Cyber-Physical System Security (CyPhySec)” aims to increase the security of cyber-physical… Read More

is researcher at SBA Research.

is researcher at SBA Research.

is researcher at SBA Research.

is researcher at SBA Research.

is researcher at SBA Research.

is researcher at SBA Research.

is key researcher at SBA Research and leads the Networks and Critical Infrastructures Security Research Group.

The following scientific partners and company partners are / have been working closely together with the Networks and Critical Infrastructures Security Research Group:


The nEtwork and cRitical Infrastructure Security Group is also very active in teaching in subjects in their domain at multiple universities. This includes for example the following courses:

• Information Security Management, University of Vienna (Gabriel Gegenhuber)
• Operating Systems, University of Vienna (Gabriel Gegenhuber)
• Fundamentals of Networked Systems, University of Vienna (Johanna Ullrich)
• Principles of Computer Science, FH Wiener Neustadt (Johanna Ullrich)

Bachelor | Master | PhD - Thesis Supervision

The ERIS Research Group is supervising Bachelor, Master and PhD theses in the following areas.

  • Network measurements
  • Mobile measurements
  • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
  • Data analysis of network data
  • Power grid security
  • Power consumption of software/security

To contact the team, please reach out to the individual team members or to the team lead Johanna Ullrich.