The Decentralized Systems Group at SBA Research focuses on fundamental and applied research in the field of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Current projects explore, consensus mechanism, self-sovereign identities, and cross-chain interoperability mechanisms. To industry partners we offer technical workshops, feasibility studies, project consulting, and contract research.
Following the introduction of Bitcoin and the swift rise of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and distributed ledger technologies have received global attention not least from governments, industry and research institutions. While cryptocurrencies as distributed, trustless and self-governing systems aim to provide an alternative to traditional fiat currency structures, the underlying technologies have shown applicability to a wide range of domains beyond financial services. As such, we have witnessed first deployments of blockchain-based application prototypes facilitating, inter alia, transparent record keeping, auditable supply chain management and machine-to-machine communication of autonomous (IoT) agents.
However, a closer analysis of the current state of the technical concepts, implementations and tool support reveals these systems are bleeding edge technology and mainstream adoption is a long way ahead. Furthermore, there exists no one blockchain to be used as golden hammer for all use cases and problems, while secure and efficient inter-chain communication has yet to be developed.
Hence, thorough analysis of requirements, applicability and technical feasibility are of vital importance when deciding upon whether to replace/extend existing systems by/with blockchain-based solutions. Thereby, the core question is not whether “blockchain” is applicable but which of the existing approaches is most suitable.
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More information about DECSYS Research here.