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Enhancing environmental sustainability of livestock farms by removing barriers for adoption of ICT technologies

The development of sustainable animal husbandry requires the removal of socio-economic and cultural barriers preventing the wider adoption of ICT tools. Therefore, the main objectives of LivestockSense are

(1) to improve the economic and environmental viability of livestock farms through application of advanced information and communication technologies AND

(2) to identify/remove social barriers for technology adoption to achieve a wider use of ICT on farms. SBA Research is supporting this project through the development of a learning database, by building a model to quantify the economic and environmental benefits of PLF systems and by creating a data-driven, web-based ICT-tool.

Logo LivestockSense

Further Information

  • Projektlead: AgHiTech Kft. (Hungary)

Project Partner

  • Website



This project has recived funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862665 ERA-NET ICT-AGRI-FOOD.

ERA Net EU Project LivestockSense_Logo