Decentralised Marketplace for Digital Identity
The goal of this project is to build a Decentralized Identity Marketplace – based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) – that puts individuals in full control of their data and enables them to use it to access (potentially any) services or procure (potentially any) products more conveniently, securely and privacy-friendly.

Today, most information is underutilized, hence, value is lost. The main reason is the lack of tools to (1) digitize any type of information and/or (2) extract already digitized information from databases in a way that allows for re-use.
The proposed project will – for the first time – enable the creation of trust between any parties to a (digital) transaction based on a novel, user-centric approach to digital identity that is aligned with latest internet standards, regulations and developments on a European level, and EU Blockchain Service Infrastructure. Even though the project will result in a generic Decentralized Marketplace, the proposal will refer to specific use cases, particularly in the fields of education and employment.
The goal is to include service providers from various verticals into this marketplace (e.g. education, employment, money lending, insurance, public sector) to enable users to (1) enrich their digital identities (e.g. with education, financial and insurance data) and (2) use it to access any kind of service (e.g. jobs, financial or insurance products) more seamlessly and securely.
Further Information
- The project is led by Walt.ID. SBA Research is the scientific partner and will provide expertise in the areas of key management and privacy of verifiable credentials.
The project is funded by the FFG.