Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien
The G-Star study aims to record the cooperative structures of Austrian crisis management and to assess the resilience of the overall network. Beyond the theoretical analysis, the network analysis iteratively collected in focus groups, the resilience taxonomy and the resilience ontology represent practical steps for improving the cooperative capacities of Austrian crisis management stakeholders in this study.
Complex and simultaneous threat scenarios (e.g., epidemics, blackouts, cyber-attacks, extreme weather events) pose an extraordinary challenge to the entirety of all stakeholders involved in terms of communication and cooperation. Meanwhile, the increasing interconnectedness of critical infrastructures (CI), the distribution of false news, and the negative impact on civilian trust in politics further complicates the effective handling of these crises, which in practice is undertaken by singular, siloed perspectives.
These silos of responsibility are increasingly reaching their individual limits and highlight the need for increased cooperation. Therefore, the study G-Star aims at assessing the cooperative structures of the Austrian crisis management, the resilience of the overall network and the involved crisis management stakeholders.
Further Information
The project is led by SBA.
G-STAR has been funded by the Austrian security research programme KIRAS of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (bmk).