Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices
The Challenge of the proposed COST Action consists in creating a Network for exploring the potential of the application of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning in the Digital Forensics field, and creating synergies between these fields.

Digital Forensics is a part of the Criminalistics Sciences which deals with digital evidence recovery and exploitation in the solution of criminal cases through the application of scientific principles. There are several and increasingly sophisticated methods for collecting digital evidence. As a matter of fact, the evolution of technology continuously pushes such kind of methods. Rough evidence must however be used to elicit hypotheses concerning events, actions and facts (or sequences of them) with the goal to obtain evidence to present in court. Evidence analysis involves examining fragmented incomplete knowledge, and reconstructing and aggregating complex scenarios involving time, uncertainty, causality, and alternative possibilities. No established methodology exists today for digital evidence analysis. The Scientific Investigation experts usually proceed by means of their experience and intuition.
SBA Research‘s research director Edgar Weippl is member of the DigForASP Management Committee.
Further Information
CA17124 is funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).