Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning: Methods, Models and Technologies based on Existing Health Care Data
The aim of DEXHELPP is the development of new methods, models and technologies to support analysis, planning and control of health care systems.

To develop such technologies is of highest priority in order to solve the contradiction of increasingly limited resources in financing such systems on the one hand and the development of new and often expensive medical therapies and technologies on the other hand. New questions and strategies of planning will have to be processed and answered, as part of the newly legally fixed “target control” implemented in 2014.
Project Outline
DEXHELPP uses already existing and new data sources (as well as their extensions and junctions) and develops different models and strategies, in order to:
- carry out analyses of the status quo,
- calculate forecasts of the future developments and,
- compare scenarios on the basis of different assumptions on developments or interventions.
Interventions in this case means procedures or changes in the area of the treatment of patients, inside organisations or in the structure of the health care system.
SBA Research was responsible for database development, management and privacy, especially focusing on the development of the DEXHELPP Research Server – a secure, flexible and high-performance environment for collaborative work. Research topics included:
- traceability of data usage & data flows,
- watermarking & fingerprinting, and
- data leak detection.
Further Information
- The project was led by Verein DEXHELPP zur Forschungsförderung im Gesundheitssystem.
- Project Website
- Download Factsheet
Related News & Events
The K-Projekt DEXHELPP as part of COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies – was sponsored by BMVIT, BMWFW and the city of Vienna. The COMET project was organised by FFG.