Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism research ROADmap
The main objective of CyberROAD is “developing the Cybercrime and Cyber-terrorism research roadmap”. This roadmap was built through an in-depth analysis of all the technological, social, legal, ethical, political, and economic aspects on which cybercrime and cyber-terrorism are rooted. The research roadmap was achieved by co-ordinating the efforts of the CyberROAD consortium along three key directions:
- Technology
- Society
- Cybercrime and cyber-terrorism

Activities along the three directions were realized during the 24 months of activities for CyberROAD.
Several outcomes and results of the CyberROAD project and two other major European Commission funded projects are presented in the book Combatting Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism (Challenges, Trends and Priorities).
The project relied on a large body of competences, since it had 20 partners, from 11 different countries. The consortium represented all the players and the stakeholders involved in the fight against cyber crime and cyber terrorism: law enforcement, public bodies, universities and research centers, as well as companies and industries.

SBA Research contributed the Austrian perspective to the project and organized a Workshop at the annual ARES conference in 2015.
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The project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SEC-2013) under grant agreement no 607642.