CERT-Kommunikationsmodell II
The objectives of the CERT Communication II project are closely related to the rapidly increasing threats in cyberspace, which also increasingly affect critical infrastructures. Therefore, the tasks of the “fire brigades on the Internet” – the Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) – are increasing, and it is particularly necessary to intensify the communication and the exchange with the other ICT security stakeholders in cyberspace.

The CERT-Komm II project builds on the CERT-Komm I study and explored the common goals shared by these stakeholders and how their efforts to tackle today’s serious threats, such as botnets and targeted APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats), can be bundled.
The result of the project is a functional demonstrator of a software that provides guidance to stakeholders regarding legal issues that have to be considered in their communication. In order to fill the demonstrator with all content necessary, technical, sociological and criminological as well as legal framework general requirements were developed in a multidisciplinary project team and integrated into the final product.
In particular, it should be noted that the project also included, for the first time, an analysis of typical cybercrime cases in Austria in order to better assess which measures could be taken to combat this type of crime in a targeted manner.
Further Information
- The project was led by SBA Research.
- KIRAS Project Website
- Download Project Report
The study was funded by the Austrian security research programme KIRAS of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (former BMVIT).