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SBA Research has established itself as an innovative and reliable scientific partner. We are active in numerous international and national research projects – funded through e.g. H2020, FWF, and FFG – and work closely with renowned research institutions from all over the world.

SBA-K1, our main strategic research endeavor, has been granted continued funding for the period 2017-2025 under the FFG COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) K1-Centres program line.

Current projects



Federated virtual twins for privacy-preserving personalised outcome prediction of type 2 diabetes treatment

Almost one in ten adults worldwide suffers from type 2 diabetes, making the development of… Read More


Synthetic generation of haematological data over federated computing frameworks

Under a global lens, the impact of haematological diseases is staggering.Unfortunately, as is common… Read More


Shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using newborn genetic screening and digital technologies

New EU Research Project “Screen4Care”: Accelerating Diagnosis for Rare Disease Patients Through Genetic Newborn Screening… Read More


EDIH AI5production

Overview “AI5production” is the largest of four Austrian EDIHs. It offers the highest professional expertise… Read More


EDIH innovATE – The European Digital Innovation Hub for Agrifood, Timber and Energy

Overview The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) EDIH innovATE aims to support a sustainable and… Read More


Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks

QCI-CAT forms the Austrian subproject of the European Commissions EuroQCI initiative. With this, the… Read More


Auto-Identification of MCU Models to Simplify ARM Bare-Metal Reverse Engineering

ARMify aims to become a plugin for the open-source reverse engineering tool Ghidra, with its… Read More


ReOxide - Improving Rust Decompilation

ReOxide is an initiative for improving the Rust decompilation support in current software engineering frameworks. Read More


Combinatorial Interaction Matching with Applications to Security and Data Analysis

This project will devise new combinatorial methods from discrete mathematics and apply the resulting novel… Read More



Automatisierung von Security Tests mit kombinatorischen Methoden

The quality assurance of modern software is carried out manually or incompletely in the area… Read More


Automated Testbeds for the Evaluation of Intrusion Detection Capabilities

Critical infrastructures have become main targets in geopolitical cyberwarfare as intrusions and other attacks against… Read More


Academic Security Operations Center

The Kiras project ASOC aims to investigate a rapid and automated information exchange of security… Read More


Nationale und regionale Modelle, Gefährdungs- und Zukunftsszenarien für das österreichische Stromnetz

Das Stromnetz steht momentan vor großen Herausforderungen wie Die konkrete Gefährdung durch Stromausfälle als Konsequenz… Read More


SecKey: New approaches for secure key management

The SecKey project is a joint research initiative between SBA Research, the… Read More


Diverse perspectives are valuable in any field, but this is especially true for IT Security. Read More


MONITAUR: Monitoring system for copy protection through malicious client detection

Monitaur is an open-source solution for protecting intellectual property of service providers. It is primarily… Read More

SBA-K1 (FP2)

SBA Research - K1 (FP2)

For our second research period from 2021 – 2025, we have devised an ambitious work… Read More


Semiautomatic Methods for finding hidden Backdoors

FiBack focuses on the (partially) automated detection of (un)intended built-in backdoors in IT components (third-party… Read More


Integrative concept for data fusion and optimisation of forest fire monitoring processes

Overview Forest fire monitoring has undergone a major technological shift in recent years through the… Read More


Adaptive AI/ML for Dynamic Cybersecurity Systems

The application of AI/ML to cybersecurity (AI4SEC) is increasingly becoming a paramount need to protect… Read More

Past projects


IPv6 Scanning

Handling Data from IPv6 Scanning

In this project, we will develop a data storage and analysis solution for high-speed IPv6… Read More

MobileAtlas 5G

MobileAtlas: A Scalable Way to Measure Cellular Networks

MobileAtlas is an international measurement platform for cellular networks that takes… Read More


Privacy Preserving Federated Machine Learning and Blockchaining for Reduced Cyber Risks in a World of Distributed Healthcare

The FeatureCloud project develops privacy preserving federated machine learning mechanisms, especially for health-care related settings. Read More



Automation is seen as one of the key technologies that considerably will shape our society… Read More


Enhancing environmental sustainability of livestock farms by removing barriers for adoption of ICT technologies

The development of sustainable animal husbandry requires the removal of socio-economic and cultural barriers preventing… Read More


Cyber Security Competence for Research and Innovation

CONCORDIA is a four-year multi-disciplinary research and innovation project (H2020), and will play a leadership… Read More



MobileAtlas is an international measurement platform for cellular networks… Read More


Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices

The Challenge of the proposed COST Action consists in creating a Network for exploring the… Read More

Digital Twins for CPS Security

Dagstuhl Seminar: Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) must be adequately protected against adversaries throughout their entire lifecycle. However, designing… Read More


Security Interaction Testing for IoT Systems and Blockchains

The SENTINEL project aims to expand the horizons of combinatorial security testing by developing new… Read More


Science of Security for Agile Software Development

The overall research problem to be addressed by the project is the general lack of… Read More


Secure Connected Trustable Things

The project SCOTT focused on “trustable things that communicate securely” – including vehicles, control systems… Read More


Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience

DRIVER+ is an ambitious pan-European project tasked with supporting the capability development of Crisis Management… Read More


The European Research Network on Types for Programming and Verification

Types are pervasive in programming and information technology. A type defines a formal interface between… Read More


Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures

Disaster-based disruptions seriously degrading the performance of any communication network (following from natural disasters, technology-related… Read More


My Health – My Data

MyHealthMyData (MHMD) was a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action which aimed at fundamentally changing… Read More


Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime

The main goal of the project was to create a single point of Reference for EU… Read More


Cryptanalysis of ubiquitous computing systems

The COST Action CRYPTACUS established a network of complementary skills in cryptography, information security, privacy,… Read More


Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems

The main objective of the Action was to enhance the quality, visibility and impact of… Read More


Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism research ROADmap

The main objective of CyberROAD is “developing the Cybercrime and Cyber-terrorism research roadmap”. This roadmap was… Read More



Systematic Analysis and Assessment of Distributed Ledger Protocols and their Consensus Mechanisms

This project will focus on existing DLT protocol (DLP) designs and their respective consensus mechanisms,… Read More


Predicting landslides - Entwicklung von Gefahrenhinweiskarten für Hangrutschungen aus konsolidierten Inventardaten

The goal of the gAia project is to generate hazard-warning maps for landslides. The project… Read More


Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection & Response

The aim of the SecurityTwin project is to develop the fundamental methods for employing the… Read More


Automated Identification of Security Threats and Malicious Activities in the Internet of Things

With regard to the Internet-of-Things (IoT), current research highlights the absence of methods for the… Read More


Austrian Blockchain Center

The Center’s mission is to be the one-stop-shop Austrian Research Center for Blockchain (and related)… Read More


Privacy Preserving Machine Learning for Industrial Applications

PRIMAL will enable industrial deep learning applications by increasing the amount of… Read More

Beyond Coding

Software-Entwicklung der Zukunft

Beyond Coding – Software-Entwicklung der Zukunft – focuses on two key competencies of software developers of… Read More


Intellectual Property Protection of Machine Learning Processes

IPP4ML will advance the research in the area of intellectual property (IP) protection, with the… Read More


Cyber Security MONITORING and LOGGING Best Practice Guidance

CyberMonoLog develops best practices for cyber security monitoring and logging based on the known attack… Read More


Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien

The G-Star study aims to record the cooperative structures of Austrian crisis management and to… Read More


Gene Anonymisation and Synthetisation for Privacy

GASTRIC will investigate three aspects of microbiome sharing and analysis. Read More


Alternatives for Proof-of-Work based Blockchains

The objective of this project is to investigate existing alternatives for Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain protocols… Read More

Identity Marketplace

Decentralised Marketplace for Digital Identity

The goal of this project is to build a Decentralized Identity Marketplace – based on… Read More

AutoCyberSec – Training

Techniken aus dem Security Testing für die Bedrohungsmodellierung im Bereich Automotive

Project overview Modern Security Testing and threat modelling meets the Automotive domain. The participants learn… Read More


Injecting Security Features into Constrained Embedded Firmware

The project aims to provide automated approaches to implant security features into connected embedded system… Read More

Joint Seminar Austria/Japan

Security and Resilience for P2P Energy Trading

Wider research context: Power grids are critical infrastructures which are currently undergoing radical changes: from… Read More


Identification and Disintegration of Single Points of Failure on the Internet

In this project, we investigate the Internet’s diversity and identify technologies that are too big… Read More

DIdentity & DApps

Distributed Identity & Distributed Applications

The DIdentity & DApps project addresses some of the most pressing questions in the area… Read More


Automated Device Independent Honeypot Generation of IoT and Industrial IoT Devices

The project goal is the development of a generic honeypot framework that automatically generates tailored… Read More


Integral Consequence Analysis for Critical Infrastructures

The project IKKRITI aims to assess emerging digital risks pertaining to critical infrastructures; thereby, supporting… Read More



The WellFort project aims to research the basic mechanisms to provide secure storage for… Read More


Evolving and Securing of Knowledge, Tasks and Processes in Distributed Dynamic Environments via a 2D-Knowledge/Process Graph

Within this project, we develop mechanisms for process mining in a distributed setting, i.e. where… Read More

Digital Pro Bootcamp

Cyber-Resilience in Medical Applications

Background Modern IT-systems are increasingly complex and interconnected, posing greater risks of faults and breakdowns. Read More


Distributed Ledger Engineering and Application Development

Participants of this Qualification Seminar will acquire basic and advanced knowledge in the field of… Read More


Industrial Security (IT/OT convergence)-Qualifizierungsnetz zur gezielten Förderung eines gemeinsamen Sicherheitsverständnisses von IT- und OT-Expert*innen

InduSec focuses on information security in IT/OT environments and considers technical and organizational aspects of… Read More


Usable Security of Smart Contract Development and Verification

This project will apply state-of-the-art scientific methods from usable security research in order to adapt… Read More


Applied Methods for Secure and Usable Cryptographic Protocols

This project examines the lack of usable systems for developers and administrators that need to… Read More


Privacy-Preserving Regulatory Technologies for Distributed Ledger Technologies

PR4DLT aims to address the question of how regulators can efficiently cope with distributed-ledger-based assets… Read More


Future of Online Anonymity

Core of the project on the Future of Online Anonymity (FuOnA) is to advance the technical means… Read More

SBA-K1 (FP1)

SBA Research - K1 (FP1)

In our increasingly connected world – where almost all aspects of daily life depend on… Read More


Trustworthy IoT for Cyber-Physical-Systems

The project focuses on the development, production and operation of safe components and applications for… Read More


Smart Data Analytics for the Hotel Industry

The qualification network aims to teach the employees of tourism enterprises – especially accommodation providers… Read More


Austrian Cyber Crisis Support Activities

ACCSA aimed to enable comprehensive and innovative training, exercise and evaluation concepts for all actors… Read More


Securing Web Technologies with Combinatorial Interaction Testing

The SecWIT project aims to advance the state of the art of Combinatorial Security Testing… Read More


Digital Atlas of Austria 2.0

The aim of this study was to identify and analyze internet-based digital services vital… Read More


Secure Execution of Smart Contracts

This project focuses on research addressing the emerging requirements for supporting the whole lifecycle of… Read More


Confident Identification by Using Mobile Remote Devices

SmartIdentification is a bilateral KIRAS project (Austria/ Germany) on the use of existing data on… Read More


Unified Threat Intelligence on Targeted Attacks

The center explored novel techniques for threat intelligence on targeted attacks on different layers. Together… Read More


Crisismanagment/Riskanalysis – Crossover System

The CRISCROSS project has shown that an innovative approach can effectively capture, understand and evaluate… Read More


Trusted Code

The Trusted Code (TRUC) project provided participants with in-depth security knowledge for software development. Read More


Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine

CBmed, an Austrian funded competence center, links excellent research infrastructure, scientific expertise, medical knowledge, national… Read More


Darknet Analysis

In the broader sense, the term “darknet” is understood to mean so-called overlay networks, which… Read More


Security Protocol Interaction Testing in Practice

The SPLIT project applied methods from the field of combinatorial (interaction) testing and model-based testing… Read More


Alternative Applications for Bitcoin

The A2Bit project substantially improved the knowledge on how to apply approaches from the domain… Read More


Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning: Methods, Models and Technologies based on Existing Health Care Data

The aim of DEXHELPP is the development of new methods, models and technologies to support… Read More


Cyber Incident Situational Awareness

The project shows how companies cooperate with these NIS authorities with the common goal of… Read More


Web-based medical practice software for physicians

Latido is a web-based software that helps physicians treat patients and manage their medical… Read More



Banqpro is a modern and proven core banking solution for European financial service providers in… Read More

Big Data, Innovation and Privacy

Big Data, Innovation and Privacy

The study focused on analysing the General Data Protection Directive (GDPR) from a legal, technical,… Read More


CERT-Kommunikationsmodell II

The objectives of the CERT Communication II project are closely related to the rapidly increasing… Read More


Reference Architecture for Secure Smart Grids in Austria

The RASSA architecture project has developed a uniform reference architecture for secure Smart Grids in… Read More


User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments

The mission of this Josef Ressel Center for User-friendly Secure Mobile Environments (u’smile) was the… Read More


Framework to Cyber-Physical System Security

The project “Framework to Cyber-Physical System Security (CyPhySec)” aims to increase the security of cyber-physical… Read More


Secure Business Austria 2

SBA2 focused on solid and fundamental research in the information security sector with a clear… Read More


Speed Forensics

This project aimed to fundamentally increase the performance of current state of-the-art forensic methods and… Read More


Transport Layer Security in Practice

The project “Transport Layer Security in Practice (TLSiP)” dealt with methods to recognize unsafe cryptographic… Read More


Decision Framework Model for Cloud Based System Migration

The increasing distribution of cloud services comes with significant benefits but also substantial risks to… Read More


Digital Atlas of Austria

The internet study “Digital Atlas of Austria” addresses the security-related and economic importance of the… Read More


Prosecution and prevention of organized financial crime with virtual currencies

BITCRIME was a bilateral German-Austrian research project. The aim of the joint project was the… Read More


Digitale Informationsvisualisierung aus automatisierter Analyse

The present project dealt with questions that have arisen in the course of the last… Read More


Malware Analysis, Privacy & Obfuscation

Information technology and modern end devices almost completely permeate the modern working world. New services… Read More