Top-Level Research @ SBA Research
SBA Research is the largest research center in Austria which exclusively addresses information security. SBA Research cooperates with the best national higher education institutions and corporations as well as research institutions all over the world and has established itself as an innovative and reliable scientific partner. The experts of SBA Research are regularly publishing articles in top journals and conferences like ACM CCS, IEEE S&P, Usenix Security, and NDSS (current publications at SBA Research).
Our main goal is to perform basic and applied research in IT security, including practical usage by our industrial partners. We incorporate the R&D efforts of our partners and combine them with world-class academic research. Our research addresses the needs of large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Our mission is to significantly contribute to establishing trust in Networked Systems and Software by considering aspects of privacy and our society at large and by investigating novel approaches like discrete mathematics.
The projects section provides a complete list of our past and ongoing research projects. Our research regularly attracts the support of prestigious national and international institutions and instruments, including the EU H2020 and FP7, CDG, FWF, FFG Bridge, ICT of the Future, KIRAS and COMET.
SBA-K1, our main strategic research endeavor, has been granted continued funding for the period 2017-2025 under the FFG COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) K1-Centres program line, with an intermediary evaluation in 2021.
The research program of SBA-K1 comprises the following areas, which directly reflect our mission statement.

Research Groups
The research in the four COMET areas is addressed by six research groups. Besides the research within these four areas, the groups are involved in other research projects, commercial endeavors, and a variety of outreach engagements complementing our flagship activities in COMET.

- CORE – Complexity and Resilience Group
- DECSYS – Decentralized Systems Group
- ERIS – Networks and Critical Infrastructures Security Group
- ISIS – (I)IoT, Systems and Industrial Security Group
- MATRIS – Mathematics for Testing, Reliability and Information Security Group
- MLDM – Machine Learning and Data Management Group
- SSG – Software Security Group
Research @ SBA Research in Pictures

Joint Brochure VRVis and SBA: Top-Level Research from Vienna
VRVis and SBA Research share 35 years of experience, knowledge and success

The COMET research centers VRVis – Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH and SBA Research have a lot in common. As the longest-standing COMET Centers in Vienna, together we represent 35 years of innovative research from Austria. Since our founding years 2000 (VRVis) and 2006 (SBA), we are building a bridge from science to industry.
In our joint brochure we provide insights into Viennese research centers.