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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

ERCIM News No. 103

The ERCIM News No. 103 has just been published at http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en103 SBA Research contributed with one article about the SCUDO project: A Structured Approach to Defence Simulation Training by Peter Kiesberg

Hollywood Hacking @ European Researcher’s Night 2015

Adrian Dabrowski presented the “myth-buster”-session “Hollywood Hacking by SBA Research” at the European Researcher’s Night 2015, which took place on September 25, 2015. The European Researchers’ Night celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. Events took place in 280 cities across Europe and beyond. In Austria the Researcher’s Night was organized under the name “F.I.T. for Future” by… Read More

RDA Working Group for Data Security and Trust (WGDST)

SBA Research aims to establish a Working Group for Data Security and Trust under the umbrella of the Research Data Alliance (RDA). Stefan Pröll, Rudolf Mayer and Peter Kieseberg presented the proposal during the RDA P6 BoF Session, which was held in Paris on 24 September 2015. Research… Read More

Dimitris Simos @ University of Texas at Dallas

Dimitris Simos is invited to University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Texas, USA on 25 September 2015 to give a colloquium talk at the computer science department which will be held in Conjunction with the IEEE Reliability Society Fall 2015 Student Outreach. The event is organized by Prof. Eric Wong. Read More

Dimitris Simos @ University of Texas at Arlington

Dimitris Simos is invited to the Computer Science Department of University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Texas, USA on 24 September 2015.  The purpose of the visit is two-fold. He will give a guest lecture regarding “Algebraic Modelling of Covering Arrays” (joint work with Bernhard Garn) and discuss common research… Read More

Dimitris Simos @ NIST

Dimitris Simos is invited to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA during 21-22 September, 2015. The purpose of the visit is two-fold. He will present recent advances on combinatorial security testing to the applied and computational mathematics division seminar series and discuss common research interests with… Read More

Talk on TLS usage in email at hack.lu 2015

Aaron Zauner will give a talk on transport security in mail protocols at hack.lu 2015. He will present results from our ongoing effort on massive TLS scanning, with more than 10 billion TLS handshakes so far and counting. This research was conducted as part of the… Read More

SBA Research working on Let’s encrypt

One of Martin Mulazzani’s students is participating in the upcoming Mozilla Winter of Security. He will work on automating tool support for TLS configurations, as part of the ongoing research project TLSiP on measuring and increasing the usage of TLS across protocols. Read More

This was ARES 2015!

ARES 2015 was held from 24 – 28 August 2015 in Toulouse, France. Thanks to 140 participants from 34 countries for participating! @ Conference @ Conference Keynote Peter Eckersley Keynote Rainer Böhme Mayor’s Reception Mayor’s Reception… Read More