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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Peter Kieseberg @ 5th KIRAS Fachtagung

Today Peter Kieseberg (SBA Research) presented the results of the SCUDO-Project together with Alexander Szönyi (Thales Austria) and Wolfgang Rosenkranz (Repuco) at the 5th “KIRAS Fachtagung” in the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna. This project was focused on the development of a training process for defence simulation trainings in the area of… Read More

Aaron Zauner @ RTR Workshop

Aaron Zauner presents the results of Internet-wide scans, that SBA has conducted to assess the current status of e-mail security, during the RTR Workshop on 5th November 2015. The program can be found here.

Dimitris Simos @ ISSRE 2015

Dimitris Simos gives a talk on November, 3rd about ” Exciting FPGA Cryptographic Trojans using Combinatorial Testing”, joint work with Paris Kitsos (TEI of Western Greece), Dimitris. E. Simos (SBA Researh), Jose Torres-Jimenez (CINVESTAV-Tamaulipas) and Artemios Voyiatzis (SBA Research). ISSRE 2015 takes place from November 2nd to November… Read More

SBA Research @ IT Sec-X, DeepSec and BSidesVienna

Members of SBA Research will be presenting at numerous upcoming national and international security conferences here in Austria. IT Sec-X is the annual security exchange event of the FH St. Pölten and will take place on November 6th. Wilfried Mayer, Philipp Reisinger and Peter Kieseberg will give presentations on their… Read More

Paper on TLS usage for all email protocols, IPv4-wide is online

Today we’ve published our paper on TLS use in e-mail protocols (SMTP, IMAP, POP..) on the Internet. Our paper and the corresponding dataset are now publicly available, you can find the paper here. Our dataset is published at scans.io. Over the time of three months we conducted more… Read More

SBA Research @ Karriere Netzwerk 2015

This year SBA Research is again represented as an exhibitor at the Karriere Netzwerk from the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. Karriere Netzwerk is a job and career exhibition, which takes place for the third time. Detailed Information about the exhibitors can be found at karrierenetz.online, general information about the event can be found here. Read More

Georg Merzdovnik @ Security Potpourri

Georg Merzdovnik gives a talk on “Exploit Mitigation – Past, Present (and Future?)” at the “Security Potpourri” at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. The event takes place for the 3rd time and is held on October 27th as part of the European Cyber Security… Read More

IEEE Senior Member Grade for Artemios G. Voyiatzis

The IEEE awarded Artemios G. Voyiatzis the  Senior Member Grade in 2015. The IEEE Senior Member Grade is the highest grade for which IEEE members can apply. The award recognizes those IEEE members that are in professional practice for at least 10 years and show significant performance over a period of… Read More

SBA hosted ERCIM Fall 2015 Meetings

From Monday, 12. October 2015 to Tuesday, 13. October 2015 SBA hosted the ERCIM Fall 2015 Meetings together with the AISBL General Assembly and the joint meeting with Informatics Europe. As a highlight, Zuzana Kukelova received the Cor Baayen Award for her outstanding scientific contributions to the field… Read More

Security Afterworks “Best of Summer of Security Conferences”

Black Hat, DEF CON, USENIX, Android Security Conference and Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit – the summer of security is almost over. For those who didn’t have the chance to participate we put together a special event to present the latest news in the world of IT-Security: Adrian… Read More