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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:


Last week Peter Kieseberg from SBA Research joined a meeting of the MPM4CPS COST-action in Novi Sad. The MPM4CPS action deals with multi-paradigm modelling in the area of cyber-physical systems and SBA will bring a more security-related perspective to the consortium, especially since cyber-physical systems have been identified as… Read More

sbaPRIME & Start me Up! – 12. November 2015

Beim sbaPRIME Kick-Off Event am 12. November 2015 wurden neben dem Überblick über die Angebote, Möglichkeiten und Vorteile einer sbaPRIME – Mitgliedschaft, aktuelle Themen aus dem Informationssicherheitsbereich präsentiert. Die Keynote von Ira Winkler, Irari Report, USA zu „The Sophisticated Attack Myth: Hiding Unsophisticated Security Programs” hat den Nachmittag eingeleitet. Haben Sie… Read More

SBA Research Accelerator powered by WhatAVenture is now online

Are you passionate about innovative information security technologies and ready to revolutionize an existing market? Then seize this unique opportunity and start & develop your own company in close cooperation with an established industry partner and inspiring mentors. Check out the SBA Research Accelerator in cooperation with WhatAVenture and apply… Read More

CISA Project on Situational Awareness started

The project CISA represents a consistent fusion of existing research activities in the field of national cyber security, in order to develop a process to establish cyber-situational awareness within a scientifically sound concept. The researchers in the CISA project will work in close cooperation with national stakeholders to create a… Read More

SBA Research @ IT Sec-X

SBA Research was presented at the IT Sec-X, the annual security exchange event of the FH St. Pölten, which took place on November 6th 2015.  Wilfried Mayer gave a talk about Testing TLS in the E-mail Ecosystem at Large and Peter Kieseberg takled about “Directions in Database Forensics”. Philipp Reisinger presented his study about information security in Germany,… Read More

Start Ups im Bootcamp

Die fünf Finalisten des Wettbewerbs Start Secure 2015 haben sich in den letzten Tagen bei einem dreitägigen Bootcamp auf ihren entscheidenden Pich vor der Jury vorbereitet. Der Pitch vor einer prominent besetzten Jury ging am letzten Tag der Workshop-Reihe über die Bühne, der Öffentlichkeit werden die… Read More

Johanna Ullrich @ RAID 2015

Johanna presented her paper “Privacy is Not an Option: Attacking the IPv6 Privacy Extension” at the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses. RAID 2015 took place from November, 2nd – 4th, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan. RAID is ranked as A conference in CORE. Read More

Start Secure 2015 – die Finalisten

Die TOP 5 des Ideenwettbewerbs “Start Secure 2015”, welcher von SBA Research, dem Bundesministerium für Inneres, der futurezone sowie dem Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich in den letzten Wochen veranstaltet wurde, stehen fest: TOP 5 in der Futurezone Die Start-ups werden ihre Ideen und Konzepte im Rahmen der Veranstaltung “Start… Read More

Paper accepted @ Euro S&P 2016

Our paper titled “NavigaTor: Finding Faster Paths to Anonymity” has been accepted for publication at Euro S&P 2016. 29 out of 168 submissions were accepted, 17% acceptance rate. The 1st IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy will be held on March 21-24, 2016 in Saarbrücken, Germany. From the abstract: In this… Read More