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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Security Afterworks “How to become a TLS-Hipster & Best of CCC”

The time has come to become a TLS-Hipster. Thomas Konrad gave a talk on how to get the knack of managing your SSL/TLS landscape. Free certificates from Let´s Encrypt, OCSP Stapling, HTTP Public Key Pinning, HSTS and detailed instructions on how to finally configure your TLS in the right way. Compatibility included. Martin… Read More

Bitcoin Tutorial at WWW2016 accepted

Our Tutorial ‘Cryptographic Currencies Crash Course‘ (Aljosha Judmayer, Edgar Weippl) has been accepted at WWW2016. We also have a workshop on empirical research methods at the conference.

Call for Papers – Special Issue on ARES 2015 / Cyber-Physical Systems

EURASIP Journal on Information Security welcomes submissions to the new special issue on ARES 2015 / Cyber-Physical Systems In this special issue we want to explore security aspects of cyberphysical systems (CPS). We invite submission that address security issues of CPS and look at some specific topics related to… Read More

SBA Research commits to the European Charter and Code for Researchers

SBA Research welcomes and supports the initiative of the European Commission and the recommendations given in „The European Charter for Researchers“ and „The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers“. Although SBA Research already has many of these recommendations in place, we will promote further implementations to support the work of… Read More

ERCIM News No.104

The ERCIM News No. 104 has just been published at http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en104/ SBA Research contributed with two articles: Women in IT Security Research: The Case of SBA Research by Veronika Nowak Trust for the Doctor in the Loop… Read More

Call for Book Chapters

As a follow-up activity to our Workshop on Empirical Research Methods in Information Security we now also have a call for book chapters.

SBA Research at 32c3

Numerous members of SBA Research are currently at the Chaos Communication Congress (32c3) in Hamburg. If you happen to be there and spot one of us, approach us – we love to chat! Here are some pictures from derstandard.at and some more (random) pictures on flickr. This… Read More

SBA at Real World Crypto 2016

Aaron Zauner will present our findings on the usage of TLS in the email ecosystem and counter-measures for secure mail transport at Real World Crypto 2016 in January. You can find the detailed results here, while the program of RWC’16 is already available online.