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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Andreas Tomek @ 11. heise Security Tour

Andreas Tomek gave a talk with the title “Von klassischer Malware zu Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) – Bedrohungen und Lösungsansätze” at the 11. heise Security Tour today in Vienna. More Information can be found here.

Paper accepted @ ISIT 2016

The paper “’Weight Distribution of the Syndrome of Linear Codes and Connections to Combinatorial Designs” by Christoph Pacher (AIT), Philipp Grabenweger (AIT) and Dimitris Simos (SBA Research) has been accepted for publication in the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)  which takes place from July, 10th-15th, 2016 in… Read More

Dimitris Simos @ Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Linz

Dimitris Simos is invited to Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz on 4 April 2016 to give a colloquium talk at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) in Hagenberg. Colloquium announcement see here. Title: Information Security through Combinatorial Designs and Symbolic Computation: Recent Results and Challenges Ahead Abstract: In last 50 years,… Read More

nimbusec GmbH presented in TV spot “oö Exportchampions”

Nimbusec GmbH is introduced in a TV spot in the ORF series “oö Exportchampions”. In this series the Export Center OÖ is introducing 52 Austrian “export companies”. Nimbusec GmbH is part of the SBA Research Accelerator Program. The full TV spot can be found here.

SBA Research presents @ Euro S&P 2016

These days numerous researchers of SBA Research attend the first IEEE Euro S&P in Saarbrücken. The keynote will be held by Adi Shamir, you can find the full program online. Robert Annessi will present our paper on Tor path simulations, you can find a preprint of the paper… Read More

Adrian Dabrowski @ Troopers 2016

Adrian Dabrowski gives a talk about Hollywood Hacking at the Troopers16 in Heidelberg. Abstract: Why did it take 15 Years to finally being able to transfer a Winword file between Mac and PC without troubles, but one can write a 0-day virus for an alien computer system invading the earth… Read More

Adrian Dabrowski @ Troopers TelcoSecDay 2016

Today Adrian Dabrowski gives his talk “Towards Carrier Based IMSI Catcher Detection” at the TelcoSecDay 2016. Abstract: In this presentation we discuss multiple detection capabilities of IMSI Catchers (aka Stingray) from the network operator’s point of view. We draw a comprehensive picture on current threats against mobile… Read More

ARES Submission Deadline

has been extended to March 29, 2016! Find the Call for Papers here. The ARES Conference will be held in Salzburg, Austria from August 31 – September 2, 2016.

SBA Research @ e-day 2016

Markus Klemen @ e-day 2016 SBA Research contributed two talks to this years’ e-day of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Markus Klemen talked about loyalty and motivation of employees with regard to ethical issues and psychological considerations. Peter Kieseberg described current social engineering tricks and attack vectors. Peter… Read More