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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

CALGO team @ ICTSS2016

Ludwig Kampel presents the paper „Set-based Algorithms for Combinatorial Test Set Generation” (joint work with Dimitris E. Simos) at ICTSS 2016 taking place October 17 – 19 2016, in Graz. This paper proposes a modular algorithmic framework for the generation of covering arrays based on… Read More

CST team @ ICTSS2016

Kristoffer Kleine and Bernhard Garn presented the paper „A Combinatorial Approach to Analyzing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities in Web Application Security Testing” at ICTSS 2016 taking place October 17 – 19 2016, in Graz. This work is a joint contribution between SBA Research (Dimitris E. Simos,… Read More

SBA Research at the PrivacyWeek

Adrian Dabrowski and Martin Schmiedecker will present at the upcoming PrivacyWeek. This new event is organized by the Chaos Computer Club Wien (c3w.at), and will happen between Oct. 24th and Oct. 30th in Vienna. You can find the full program including highlights such as the Austrian Big Brother… Read More

Research for Law Enforcement

At this year’s IKT-Sicherheitskonferenz Edgar Weippl gave a presentation on research for law enforcement.

Young Researchers’ Day

SBA Research organizes jointly with the Austrian Computer Society the Young Researchers’ Day, a networking event that brings together students that graduate in information security from all Austrian institutions. This year’s event is co-loated with the IKT-Sicherheitstagung.

Security Classes at TU Wien

Many students attended our presentation on our teaching focus Security at TU Wien. We offer classes ranging from introductory classes for Bachelor students to technically demanding classes at Master level and research-focused lectures for our PhD students. Read More

SBA @ APWG.EU eCrime CyberSecurity Symposium 2016

Today our Researcher Peter Kieseberg joins the APWG.EU eCrime CyberSecurity Symposium 2016 in Bratislava in the panel discussion on the eCrime Data Exchange. Furthermore, we are proud to be part of the APWG.EU Scientific Committee that took place today.

EMENA Keynote

Edgar Weippl gave a presentation on how to engage students in information security research and explained some of the current research challenges. Read More