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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Tomasz Miksa on Data Management Plans in the Horizon 2020 at the FFG

Tomasz Miksa delivered a webinar on Data Management Plans in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission. The webinar was organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) which is the national contact point for the Horizon 2020. The webinar had a wide appeal and brought both practitioners… Read More

Sebastian Schrittwieser receives scientific recognition award

Sebastian Schrittwieser, who worked for SBA Research until 2013, received a scientific recognition award by the federal state of Lower Austria for his work and dissertation on code obfuscation. The full article can be found here. (in german)

(ISC)² Austria Chapter & ISACA Austria Chapter Event

The (ISC)² & ISACA Austrian Chapters jointly organized the one-day event “Cyber Sicherheit zeigt Zähne – Trends | Regularien | Vorgaben | Entwicklungen 2017+”, which took place on October 12, 2017 in the beautiful rooms of the Kunsthistorisches Musem Wien.  Stefan Jakoubi, SBA Research and Jimmy Heschl, Red Bull moderated… Read More

Tomasz Miksa on the next generation of Data Management Plans at the general assembly of the e-Infrastructures Austria+

Today, Tomasz Miksa gave a talk on “Machine-actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs)” at the general assembly of the e-Infrastructures Austria+ project. The talk presented benefits of the next generation machine-actionable Data Management Plans to stakeholders involved in the research data life-cycle: infrastructure operators, repository managers, researchers, funders, and policy makers. Read More

Austrian IEEE Chapter election finished

The election for the Austrian IEEE Chapter Systems, Men, and Cybernetics is finished and we are proud to announce that Peter Kieseberg and Edgar Weippl of SBA will continue their work as chair and first vice-chair respectively. For more information and interest in joining the chapter, please contact pkieseberg@sba-research.org.

Philipp Reisinger at JT Computer Business Breakfast

Philipp Reisinger will talk about “The Defender’s Dilemma” at the JT Computer Business Breakfast taking place at the FH Burgenland in Eisenstadt today. For more information please see here.

Peter Kieseberg @ CMG-AE-Tagung

Today, Peter Kieseberg gave a talk on “Neue Security-Herausforderungen im industriellen Umfeld” at the “CMG-AE-Tagung” in Vienna.

Peter Kieseberg @ ICDF2C2017

Today, Peter Kieseberg presented our work „Real-time Forensics through Endpoint Visibility“ at the „9th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime“ (ICDF2C2017) in Prague.