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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA Security Advisory – phpWhois – PHP Code Injection (CVE-2015-5243)

phpWhois and some of its forks in versions before 5.1.0 are prone to a code injection vulnerability due to insufficient sanitization of returned WHOIS data. This allows attackers controlling the WHOIS information of a requested domain to execute arbitrary PHP code in the context of the application. We recommend to update phpWhois to version jsmitty12: 5.1.0 or later. For further details, see the full security advisory. Read More

Dimitris Simos joins the editorial board of Mathematics in Computer Science

Dimitris Simos was invited to join the editorial board of the Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS) journal published and distributed by Springer. MCS publishes high-quality original research papers on the development of theories and methods for computer and information sciences, the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and… Read More

SoftwareentwicklerInnen für Kooperationsprojekt mit Stiwa gesucht

Für ein Kooperationsprojekt mit unserem Unternehmenspartner Stiwa suchen wir SoftwareentwicklerInnen mit Schwerpunkt .Net-Programmierung, welche im Bereich Automation arbeiten möchten. Nach Vereinbarung besteht die Möglichkeit die ausgeschriebenen Aufgaben im Rahmen von Forschungskooperationen (Masterarbeit oder Dissertation) mit SBA Research gGmbH oder der TU Wien zu übernehmen. Bewerbungen bitte an eweippl@sba-research.org und… Read More

ERCIM News Special Theme: “Digital Twins”, Edgar Weippl (guest editor)

Ercim news is seeking short articles (700-800 words) on the current topic for its special theme “Digital Twins”. This is related to our ongoing research activities in the Christian Doppler Laboratory SQI (Links zu www.sqi.at) Submission Deadline Thursday, 28 August https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/call Guest editors: Benjamin Sanderse (CWI)… Read More

Alexei Zamyatin: paper published by Royal Society

Alexei Zamyatin gets paper “Committing to quantum resistance: a slow defence for Bitcoin against a fast quantum computing attack” published by the Royal Society. Full paper He also gives a talk on velvet forks at the Building on Bitcoin conference next week. More information… Read More