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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Bernhard Garn presents paper at 2nd IMA Conference on Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics

Today, at the 2nd IMA Conference on Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics [IMA], Bernhard Garn gives a talk titled ‘Algebraic Techniques for Covering Arrays and Related Structures’ (joint work with Dimitris Simos). The conference showcases theoretical and computational advances in the general field of discrete mathematics. [IMA] https://ima.org.uk/7775/2nd-ima-conference-theoretical-computational-discrete-mathematics/

Tomasz Miksa on Research Data Preservation Using Process Engines and Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans at the TPDL conference in Porto

Tomasz Miksa presented a paper entitled “Research Data Preservation Using Process Engines and Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans” at the 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2018) which was held 10-13 September in Porto, Portugal. The paper demonstrates how systems used for managing data during research… Read More

Nicholas Stifter presents paper at RAID 2018

Yesterday, Nicholas Stifter presented their paper: Johanna Ullrich, Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Adrian Dabrowski and Edgar Weippl, “Proof-of-Blackouts? How Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrencies Could Affect Power Grids” at RAID 2018 in Heraklion, Crete The paper analyzes the potential impact cryptocurrency mining and its large power consumption could have on the reliable operation… Read More

Aljosha Judmayer to present full paper at CBT 2018

Aljosha Judmayer will be presenting his full paper at CBT 2018 in Barcelona: Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Philipp Schindler and Edgar Weippl. “Enforcing rule changes through offensive forking- and consensus techniques” Full paper Moreover Alexei Zamyatin had his poster accepted at the CBT´18 workshop, held as part as… Read More

ARES 2018 (Hamburg) breaks all previous records

With a total of 308 participants from over 50 countries this year´s ARES & CD-MAKE broke all previous records. An acceptance rate of 22,3% along with 18 workshops, 6 of them held within the EU Projects Symposium, and 14 keynote speakers reflect the obtained success and impact. In proper ARES… Read More

PhD defense: Adrian Dabrowski

Adrian Dabrowski successfully defended his PhD thesis “Security and Privacy in Large-scale Infrastructure”. Thorsten Holz and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma were the external evaluators, Matteo Maffei the committee chair and Edgar Weippl the supervisor. Congratulations!… Read More

One step ahead of hackers…

The computer scientists Edgar Weippl and his team calculate threat scenarios for critical infrastructure and industrial plants. The findings are used to improve protection. Read more in the DiePresse. Die Presse – printed edtion… Read More