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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Alexandra Mai als Forscherin bei FIT-Infotagen

Ganz nach dem Motto “Frauen in die Technik” hatten Mädchen im Rahmen der FIT Wien – Niederösterreich – Burgenland Infotage 2019 die Möglichkeit Forscherinnen persönlich kennenzulernen und Einblicke in spannende Projekte zu erhalten. Unter den Forscherinnen war auch Alexandra Mai. Read More

On the importance of explainability/ Andreas Holzinger

Artificial Intelligence has recently made great progress in many different applications including face recognition and image classification. In many areas of expertise these AIs even exceed human performances. Something they however fail to do is answer one simple question: why? Why does an AI what it does, what is the… Read More

Paper and Talk accepted at EAI and EDCON 2019

Paper accepted at 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS) 2019: “Uncle Traps: Harvesting Rewards in a Queue-based Ethereum Mining Pool”, Sam M. Werner and Paul J. Pritz and Alexei Zamyatin and William J. KnottenbeltPre-PrintWebsite Talk accepted at Community… Read More

CDL-SQI at the Software Quality Days 2019

Dietmar Winkler, Bernhard Brenner and Matthias Eckhart represented the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle (CDL-SQI) at the Software Quality Days 2019.
CDL-SQI at the Software Quality Days 2019

Warum jeder Software Entwickler auch ein Hacker sein sollte.

“Früher war Sicherheit einfach Firewalls, und fertig.” Thomas Konrad berichtet im DigitalMondayBlog über einfache Fehler mit tausendfacher Auswirkung und die Verschmelzung zweier Welten. Ganzer Artikel sec4dev: Konferenz und Bootcamp Um sich genau diesen Themen zu widmen, hat SBA Research, die sec4dev für Softwareentwickler*Innen geschaffen: Von… Read More

3 Bridge Projects accepted for 2019

What better way to start the New Year than with three new Bridge Projects. Wellfort is about secure storage, a trusted analysis environment, and combining data from different companies for analysis while respecting user privacy. KnoP-2D (lead SCCH) is about creativity and… Read More

Paper accepted at IEEE S&P 2019

“If HTTPS Were Secure, I Wouldn’t Need 2FA – End User and Administrator Mental Models of HTTPS” by Katharina Krombholz (CISPA Helmholtz Center (i.G.)), Karoline Busse (University of Bonn), Katharina Pfeffer (SBA Research), Matthew Smith (University of Bonn) and Emanuel von Zezschwitz (University of Bonn) has been accepted at the… Read More

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019

Looking back upon the past year, we would like to acknowledge those who have helped us transform ideas into projects and shape our business. Thank you for a successful year! We wish you all the best as you embark on 2019!… Read More