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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Papers accepted at Eurocrypt and S&P

Hamza Abusalah has an SBA paper accepted at Eurocrypt 2019 taking place in Darmstadt, Germany from May 19-23, 2019.Paper: Reversible Proofs of Sequential Work We are also excited to announce that the paper “XCLAIM: Trustless, Interoperable Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets” by Alexei Zamyatin is accepted at IEEE S&P… Read More

First Edition of sec4dev Conference + Bootcamp very successful

The first edition of sec4dev conference + bootcamp was hosted at TU Campus Gußhaus from February 25 -27, 2019 and welcomed more than 100 participants. After two all day bootcamps on Monday, the single track conference was kicked off on Tuesday morning with a keynote from Markus Sabadello on Decentralized… Read More

SBA among CONCORDIA (H2020) Consortium

CONCORDIA is a major H2020 consortium to interconnect Europe’s Cybersecurity capabilities. It will establish a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network and will lead the development of a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe. Press release

sec4dev kicked off with all day boot camps

The sec4dev 2019 conference has officially started. The first day´s agenda was filled up with two all day boot camps. Thomas Konrad´s (SBA) participants learned how to hack themselves in the “Hack Yourself: Hands-On-Web Application Security from an Attacker´s perspective” boot camp. Philippe de Ryck (Pragmatic Web Security) introduced “A… Read More

Dimitris Simos @ INRIA Paris

Dimitris Simos is visiting INRIA Paris during 19 – 22 February. He is hosted by the project team SECRET.

Johanna Ullrich @ First all Female Hackathon

Johanna Ullrich held a workshop at the first all female Hackathon at TU Wien on February 9, 2019. Women and Code is an initiative for women interested in coding/programming, front-end development and eager to learn something new. SBA supports Women and Code and their ambition to bring more women into… Read More

Security Meetup: Protect Your User Accounts Like It’s 2019

35 people attended the second SBA Security Meetup of 2019 held by Thomas Konrad. Participants explored some pretty smart techniques to achieve a balance between confidentiality/integrity and availability requirements, and how these techniques can help you solve a number of other problems. Read More