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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Bernhard Garn @ Algebra Seminar TU Mathematics

Bernhard Garn (https://matris.sba-research.org/team/bgarn/) from SBA’s MaTRIS research group (https://matris.sba-research.org/) gave an invited talk titled “Algebraic Modelling of Covering Arrays” in the seminar of the algebra research group of the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry of TU Vienna. The talk focused on how algebraic techniques can be… Read More

SBA participates in Vienna Zoo Run 2019

A group of highly motivated SBA staff completed the 6K run all across the Vienna zoo on June 13, 2019. 50% of the application fees for the run will be donated to children suffering from pulmonary disease whilst the other 50% go into expansion of zoo infrastructure and animal… Read More

Stefan Jakoubi moderates Cyber Crime Forum Wien 2019

Real artificial intelligence and cyber crime – strong defense or mass destruction weapon? This year´s cyber crime forum targets prevention 4.0 and awareness trainings, risk management 2.0, blockchain technology, security by design, legal issues and many other topics. Agenda and Details

SBA sponsored the first Security related FreeBSD Hackathon

This weekend SBA Research sponsored the first security related FreeBSD Hackathon! FreeBSD hackers from seven countries met to harden FreeBSD, improve documentation and discuss new features. Beside that, attendees got to know each other better (i.e. matching IRC nick names to faces) and had a lot of fun!… Read More

Security Incident? Back to the Future please!

Stefan Jakoubi speaks about detection, response and recovery, common sense, regulations and standards at “Situational Awareness in IT – Compulsory or Secondary?” on June 26, 2019. Agenda and Details

Jovan Zivanovic@ AST 2019

Jovan Zivanovic from SBA’s MaTRIS research group (https://matris.sba-research.org/) attended the 14th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (http://ast2019.isti.cnr.it), in conjunction with ICSE 2019. Jovan Zivanovic presents the paper ‘Automated Combinatorial Testing for Detecting SQL Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Dimitris E. Simos (SBA Research),… Read More

Kaspersky Cyber Day and Machine Learning Workshop

SBA hosted the Kaspersky Cyber Day at TU Wien on May 28. After a revealing lecture on some of the history´s most famous hacks participants challenged each other in the battle for the KIPS champion title. In addition to the cyber day Kaspersky conducted a deeply technical workshop on machine… Read More

Adrian Dabrowski @ Austrian Computer Science Day 2019

The Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) [1] is an annual assembly that brings together computer scientists across Austria from different universities and research centers to improve visibility of the field and foster collaboration in research and teaching. For the first time, a selected group of “Young Experts” was invited to… Read More