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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Christian Kudera interviewed by Kronen-Zeitung

As a follow up to the recently published technical statement of SBA Research about the Stopp Corona-App (press release), Christian Kudera (Security Analyst and Researcher at SBA Research) was interviewed by krone.at. In the Interview the most important features… Read More
Stop Corona App Christian Kudera Krone Interview

Dimitris Simos appointed as Guest Researcher with US NIST

As of March 13, 2020, Dimitris Simos holds a Guest Researcher appointment with US NIST and is affiliated with the Applied Computational Mathematics Division (ACMD) of the Information Technology Lab (ITL) [1]. In his capacity as an off-site collaborator, Dimitris will further strengthen the ties between SBA’s MATRIS group [2]… Read More

Stop Corona app reviewed by SBA Research security researchers

German version below SBA Research experts use reverse engineering to analyze the Android version of the Red Cross Stop Corona app for data security. Technical statement on the analysis. The Stop Corona app of the Austrian Red Cross has been raising questions since it went online some… Read More
Stop Corona app reviewed by SBA Research security researchers

sec4dev – the Security Conference & Bootcamp for Developers

To close the gap between software development and security, the sec4dev conference and bootcamp offered knowledge transfer between developers and security experts. Two days bootcamp, followed by two days conference in the Audimax of the Vienna University of Technology: SBA Research had invited to a tightly packed program for… Read More
sec4dev – the Security Conference & Bootcamp for Developers

Security Tips for Home Office

Stay secure during Home Office. Almost overnight, most companies had to severely limit physical access to their offices. As more and more employees start working from home, connecting to their company network infrastructure, security becomes an immediate concern. Keeping IT systems up and running has never been more important than… Read More
Security Tips for Home Office

Edgar Weippl about Security in Times of Home Office

The current situation does come with certain upsides: “It may be an incentive to see that working from home can indeed work well. A correct set up of one´s home office environment plays a key role in preventing vulnerabilities and security incidents.” Be sure to read up on Edgar Weippls… Read More

7th place at iCTF for We_0wn_Y0u

Last Friday we managed to secure the 7th place at this years edition of iCTF with our SBA-supported CTF Team  “We_0wn_Y0u” (w0y). The team is organized by SBA researchers and comprised of students/researchers/alumni of TU Wien. We had a great time playing this year.
7th place at iCTF for We_0wn_Y0u