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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

Inaugural lecture/Antrittsvorlesung Edgar Weippl

On April 21, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Edgar Weippl had his Inaugural lecture at the University of Vienna. (in German) Watch the full video of the Inaugural lecture here on Vimeo (in German) Title: Sicherheit und Datenschutz – Die Eckpfeiler Digitaler Transformation “Spätestens seit der Corona-Krise… Read More
Inaugural lecture/Antrittsvorlesung Edgar Weippl

Happy Birthday to us! SBA Research celebrates 15 Years.

A Retrospect. One and a half decades of company history offer a lot of official milestones and not-so-official anecdotes to be picked from. Not an easy, but very fun task which we gladly fulfilled, presenting you in the following with some selected highlights and snippets from the past 15 years. Read More
Happy Birthday to us! SBA Research celebrates 15 Years.

Johanna Ullrich in Radio Ö1 about Cybercrime

On November 23, 2021 our key researcher Johanna Ullrich was interviewed for the Radio Ö1 program Journal-Panorama. The topic was “Cybercrime” and the increasing importance of Cyber Security. Here is the link to the article about the program and the record which is online until November 30,… Read More

Edgar Weippl co-organizes Dagstuhl seminar 21451

Edgar Weippl is one of the four organizers of the Dagstuhl seminar 21451: “Managing Industrial Control Systems Security Risks for Cyber Insurance“ that will be held next week, November 7-12, 2021. The aim of this seminar is to develop the basis of a cyber cat… Read More
Edgar Weippl co-organizes Dagstuhl seminar 21451

(ISC)2 / ISACA Conference 2021 at TU Wien

After a long pause with just-online-events it was a pleasure to once again organize the (ISC)2 / ISACA Conference on October 5, 2021 as a live event. Hosted in TU Wien´s wonderful TUtheSky Conference Room with a great view over Vienna we had 100 participants, 10 very interesting talks, a… Read More

6th IEEE EuroS&P 2021 held successfully

The 6th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE EuroS&P 2021), organized by SBA Research, TU Wien and the University of Vienna was held from September 6 – 10, 2021 as all-digital conference. We welcomed more than 280 participants from 42 countries. The first two days were dedicated to… Read More
IEEE EuroS&P 2021

ARES & CD-MAKE 2021 held successfully

The second virtual ARES & CD-MAKE conference was held from August 17 to August 20, 2021. We were proud to welcome over 340 participants from 39+ countries to this second all-digital ARES & CD-MAKE conference! The four conference days were filled with internationally renowned keynote speakers,… Read More
ARES Conference 2021