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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

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//heise devSec ( ) Linux-Container jenseits von Docker by Mathias Tausig

Containers under Linux go far beyond the well-known docker. The presentation explains how Linux ensures the security of containers and offers a crash course for the use of LXD-based containers. Afterwards, practical uses of these containers for developers, especially for reproducible development and test environments, will be discussed and the… Read More
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ADA speedmentoring at TU Wien

SBA was part of the ADA speedmentoring at TU Wien in course of the EU Code Week. Johanna Ullrich and Stephanie Jakoubi shared their experience in ICT, education and day-to-day life in security with students. Website: https://www.ada.wien/speedmentoring/
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Bridge1 Project SESC – Research Venture on Smart Contracts

The FFG project SESC – Secure Execution of Smart Contracts – focused on research addressing the emerging requirements for supporting the whole lifecycle of smart contract infrastructures that are based on distributed ledger technology. At the time this project started in 2017, many of the characteristics and security guarantees of blockchain technologies… Read More
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KIRAS Project Smart Identification – Tackling Human Trafficking

The bilateral KIRAS project SmartIdentification – Confident Identification by using Mobile Remote Devices – focused on the use of existing data on smartphones to analyse trends in human trafficking routes and to identify individuals, especially unaccompanied minors. Starting in 2017, in the aftermath of the European migrant crisis 2015/2016,… Read More

ACCSA Simulation Game – SBA participates in Cyber Crisis Management Exercise

On September 28th, the final ACCSA simulation game took place online. The goal was to evaluate the Cyber-Crisis-Management exercise concept (CKM) including its methodologies developed as part of the ACCSA project. Two expert groups, consisting of ministry and stakeholder representatives, were able to practice an escalating cyber crisis scenario in… Read More

IEEE Euro S&P Conference – SBA among 2021 Hosts

The 6th Euro S&P edition will be hosted by SBA Research, TU Wien and the University of Vienna on September 7-11, 2021 at the University Center Althanstraße. Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy,… Read More
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DigitalDays 2020 – Markus Klemen discusses Security in Expert Panel

Markus Klemen was part of the Security panel at this year´s DigitalDays. A group of experts from national corporations and politics discussed Security challenges, awareness and state of the art Security research. The intention of the session “Digital safety and crisis resistant city” was to establish a strategy… Read More
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