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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

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SBA Research Quarterly

Our first newsletter was sent out recently. If you have missed it, check it out here! Register for our newsletter to receive quarterly updates about SBA Research. Stay tuned for exciting news from our research groups and their projects! We’ll also let you… Read More
SBA Research Quarterly Nov 2020

EU project SCOTT – Trust in IoT

The European research project SCOTT – Secure Connected Trustable Things – with 59 key partners from 12 countries (incl. Brazil) focused on “trustable things that communicate securely”. The project provided comprehensive, cost-efficient solutions for wireless, end-to-end secure, trustable connectivity. The focus has been on vehicles, control systems and other things,… Read More
SCOTT Project Logo Featured image

LSZ IT-Security Cyber Lounge moderated by Stefan Jakoubi

Stefan Jakoubi will be moderating the IT-Security Cyber Lounge on November 4. Topic of the upcoming event will be third party cyber risk management with the KSV1870 cyber risk rating. The NIS law, the DSGVO or even the ECB oblige companies to set high standards for cyber security for their… Read More

Young Science Platform – SBA supports Austrian school project

Young Science offers Austrian schools a variety of opportunities to get in touch with research institutions and to cooperate with them. It provides information about events and networking opportunities and promotes cooperation between science and schools through several initiatives and projects. On the… Read More
Young Science_Logo Featured image

AustriaCyberSecurityChallenge – SBA among Partners

The Austria Cyber Security Challenge was first launched in 2012. It is a non-profit, independent and non-partisan association with the goal of addressing cross-cutting security issues in the area of IT/cyber security of critical/strategic infrastructures in Austria. Through publications, lectures and project work, existing knowledge is networked and the awareness… Read More
ASC2020 Austrian Cyber Security Challenge Logo

SmartDLP – New Research Project starts at SBA

Nicholas Stifter (PhD candidate at SBA Research) started his Industrial PhD research project at SBA Research in September. SmartDLP – Systematic Analysis and Assessment of Distributed Ledger Protocols and their Consensus Mechanisms – will focus on existing DLT protocol (DLP) designs and their respective consensus mechanisms, and provide… Read More
SmartDLP – New Research Project starts at SBA