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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Austrian Flagship Project IoT4CPS closes strong

3 years of collaboration within the IoT4CPS project is coming to an end: 16 consortium partners (including SBA Research) nearly 100 project team members involved 45+ deliverables achieved (+30 public documents) 7 white papers written, 6 posters illustrated… Read More
IoT4CPS Project Closing Julia Pammer

AIM@IoT – New Research Project at SBA Research

Christian Kudera (PhD candidate at SBA Research) started his Industrial PhD research project beginning of December. AIM@IoT – Automated Identification of Security Threats and Malicious Activities in the Internet of Things – aims to collect IoT-relevant malicious empirical data, IoT-centric attack signatures, and IoT-specific technical threat intelligence. Through… Read More
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