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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

eAwared 2021: Cyber Security Quiz nominated

The Cyber Security Quiz, a learning and gaming app for learning security and privacy, is nominated in the category “Education and human resources development” of this year eAward. We are all online almost every day. But few know the footprint we leave on the internet and the dangers… Read More
eAwared 2021: Cyber Security Quiz nominated

Cybercrime: Edgar Weippl in „Zett“ am Sonntag

As one of four experts, Edgar Weippl was interviewed for the most recent issue of South Tyrol’s “Zett” am Sonntag. In his statement, he sheds light on cyber espionage on state level and illustrates some worrying consequences of the – due to the pandemic –  hastened digitalization of businesses. Furthermore,… Read More
Cybercrime: Edgar Weippl in „Zett“ am Sonntag

KIRAS project G-Star granted

SBA Research is happy to announce that the KIRAS project “G-Star: Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien“ was granted. Kevin Mallinger and Johanna Ullrich (SBA Research) will be working on the project in cooperation with the BKA (Federal Chancellery Republic Austria), BMI… Read More

FFG Success Story: Our Blockchain Research Group

DECSYS, SBA’s Decentralized Systems Group, and their BRIDGE project SESC – Secure Execution of Smart Contracts have recently been featured as an FFG Success Story. DECSYS conducts research beyond hype topics like cryptocurrencies in order to achieve a better understanding of DLT requirements, identify… Read More
FFG Success Story: Our Blockchain Research Group