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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: Kevin Mallinger presents two papers

Two research articles by Kevin Mallinger, business developer at SBA Research, discussing novel advancements and applications of Digital Twins and Complexity Metrics supporting sustainability efforts got accepted for the special edition “AI Open Issue 2023: Environmental Sustainability Science, Artificial Intelligence and Digitization” of the international top Journal “Current… Read More

SBA Research Newsletter – 3rd issue

Our third newsletter was sent out last week. Check it out here! Highlights We introduce you to MLDM, our Machine Learning and Data Management Group (MLDM), including a video about their research activities. Launch of our new Professional Services website 15 years of… Read More
SBA Research Newsletter – 3rd issue

Happy Birthday to us! SBA Research celebrates 15 Years.

A Retrospect. One and a half decades of company history offer a lot of official milestones and not-so-official anecdotes to be picked from. Not an easy, but very fun task which we gladly fulfilled, presenting you in the following with some selected highlights and snippets from the past 15 years. Read More
Happy Birthday to us! SBA Research celebrates 15 Years.

Commentary for the upcoming Cryptocurrency Tax Law Changes

Our colleagues Aljosha Judmayer, Andreas Kern, Philipp Schindler, Nicholas Stifter from our research group DECSYS – Decentralized Systems Group have provided a commentary for the upcoming “Ökosoziale Steuerreform” as there will be a change to the way Austria currently taxes Cryptocurrencies. The changes proposed by… Read More
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18th RDA Plenary – Talk by Tomasz Miksa

Tomasz Miksa held a talk at the 18th RDA Plenary: Biomedical Research Data Management and Sharing: From Policies to Culture Change on November 10, 2021. Title: Fostering cultural change in data sharing on the example of machine actionable Data Management Plans Tomasz was one of the invited speakers whose… Read More
Research Data alliance

Johanna Ullrich in Radio Ö1 about Cybercrime

On November 23, 2021 our key researcher Johanna Ullrich was interviewed for the Radio Ö1 program Journal-Panorama. The topic was “Cybercrime” and the increasing importance of Cyber Security. Here is the link to the article about the program and the record which is online until November 30,… Read More

Keynote: Software Protections – Theory, practice, and recent advances

On November 11th, Sebastian Schrittwieser, senior researcher at SBA Research and University of Vienna, gave the keynote at the 7th International Conference on Software Security and Assurance on the topic of Software Protections. Title Software Protections – Theory, practice, and recent advances Abstract The area of Man-At-The-End (MATE) software… Read More
Keynote: Software Protections – Theory, practice, and recent advances

Talk: Security of remote collaborations tools

On November 18, 2021 Sebastian Schrittwieser, senior researcher at SBA and Uni Wien, gave a talk on the security of remote collaborations tools at the Herbst-ERFA of the Institut für Interne Revision Österreich. Together with Mag. Raoul Rumplmayr, auditor at ASFINAG, a risk assessment for collaboration tools such… Read More
Talk: Security of remote collaborations tools