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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Wifi Online Article

Philipp Reisinger wrote an article about cyber risks for the WIFI Wien blog. Title Cyber-Risiken in einer vernetzten Welt – und wie Sie die Oberhand behalten(Cyber risks in a connected world – and how to stay on top of them) Link to the blog… Read More

Incite Talks by Philipp Reisinger

Philipp Reisinger held two online talks at the Incite course Data & IT Security. Titles of the talks 03.05. „Grundlegende Überlegungen: IT-Sicherheitsstrategie & Risikomanagement“ 11.05. „Netzwerksicherheit – Endpointmanagement“ Speaker Philipp Reisinger is information security consultant at SBA Research and lecturer at FH St. Pölten. Read More

Workshop “FAIR for Sensitive Data”

On March 23, 2022, Tomasz Miksa (FAIR Office Austria / SBA Research) was part of the workshop “FAIR for Sensitive Data”. The goal of the workshop was to inform researchers on technical and legal aspects of working with sensitive data. The participants also learned about the WellFort platform. On the… Read More

„Digital-Security-Experts meet School“ Supported by SBA Research

The “Digital-Security-Experts Meet School”-initiative aims to raise awareness of cyber security among school children. Security professionals visit school classes to give presentations and workshops on topics such as: security on the Internet the right way to handle social media what is privacy how to handle data or even the question… Read More

Inaugural lecture/Antrittsvorlesung Edgar Weippl

On April 21, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Edgar Weippl had his Inaugural lecture at the University of Vienna. (in German) Watch the full video of the Inaugural lecture here on Vimeo (in German) Title: Sicherheit und Datenschutz – Die Eckpfeiler Digitaler Transformation “Spätestens seit der Corona-Krise… Read More
Inaugural lecture/Antrittsvorlesung Edgar Weippl

Talk: Ownership protection of data and machine learning models

On April 1, 2022, Tanja Šarčević held a talk at the Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT) organized by FH St. Pölten. Title Ownership protection of data and machine learning models – Watermarking and Fingerprinting Abstract Outsourcing and shifting data storage and complex Machine Learning (ML)… Read More