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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

SBA Research @ USENIX

Adrian Dabrowski, Martina Lindorfer and Johanna Ullrich visited the flagship conference Usenix Security Symposium, held from 20-22 August in San Diego, California. As usual, the conference hosted a variety of interesting talks covering a vast amont of different aspects in computer security. Johanna presented her paper on IPv6 Security at… Read More

TechCamp Summer School

Edgar Weippl gave the opening lecture of the TechCamp Summer School that is organized in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology and our partner company LBS, funded by the European Union. The TechCamp takes place from 19 – 28 August, 2014 at the Vienna University of Technology. 30 students… Read More

“Make sure you have all the updates; make sure you use a browser that is not standard; and pursue more training—talk about the threat.”

Engin Kirda et al. analyzed nearly 1,500 suspicious e-mail messages targeting a human-rights NGO. “The team found that, while the malware managed to reliably evade detection by many antivirus programs, the attacks were relatively unsophisticated, using known vulnerabilities that had already been patched.” Read the whole article here. The paper will be presented… Read More

SACMAT 2015 in Vienna

SACMAT 2015 will be held in Vienna from June 1-3; SBA Research is the local organizer.      

This was DBSec’14

The 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec’14) was held in Vienna, Austria from 14-16 July 2014, organized by SBA Research. Keynote by Chris Clifton Conference Dinner Award Ceremony Special Coffee Break… Read More

TechNIKE Workshop in Cooperation with the „wienXtra-Ferienspiel“

Katharina Krombholz and Martina Lindorfer of SBA Research organize a TechNIKE workshop on “Security on the Internet: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagramm & Co” at the TU Wien. The aim is to enthuse girls aged between 10 and 14 years for technology. This is an initiative of the TU Wien (project genderfair)… Read More

Adrian Dabrowski and Alexej Strelzow accepted at NII for an internship

Adrian Dabrowski and Alexej Strelzow are accepted at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo for an internship. Alexej Strelzow will participate in the research area of Artificial Intelligence/Web Informatics which is headed by Prof. Hideaki Takeda. Alexej’s research focus will be Semantic Web and Linked (Open) Data. Adrian Dabrowski… Read More


The IMPACT 2014 was a great success: exciting expert lectures, posters and lightning talks on our latest research as well as plenty to eat and drink. The program, slides and some pictures are available here. We thank you for your participation!… Read More