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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA @ Economy

General Manager of SBA Markus Klemen provides details about the current situation of criminal use of malware and the use behavioral analysis as countermeasure. Download the article and interview as pdf » SBA… Read More

E-Learning Award 2006/07

  Scientific Director of Secure Business Austria Edgar Weippl and Marion Brandsteidl (TU Vienna) won the E-Learning Award 2006/07 of the Vienna University of Technology for their outstanding lecture on security. Edgar Weippl (Wissenschaftlicher Leiter von Secure Business Austria) und Marion Brandsteidl (TU Vienna) haben den diesjährigen E-Learning Award… Read More

CSI:Urstein – IT-Forensik

On the 1st of march SBA forensics expert Andreas Tomek lectured an introduction to IT-Forensics in the course of the anual IKT-Forum at the technical college Salzburg/Urstein. Am 1. März 2007 ab 16:00 Uhr findet das jährliche IKT-Forum des Studiengangs ITS an der Fachhochschule Salzburg/Urstein statt. Dieses… Read More

SBA @ Economy

Knowledge Transfer: University alumni present their work This short article, published in the Austrian technology newspaper “economy”, stresses the differences of risk management approaches for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in contrast to large corporations. It describes SBA’s current research in the area of security ontologies in a nutshell. Read More

Revealing WEP Security

In this video, SBA security researcher Andreas Tomek demonstrates live how easy it is to break a WEP (wireless encryption protocol) protected WLAN infrastructure. The video is part of ongoing research on both wireless encryption protocols and e-learning in IT-Security. Im folgenden Video demonstriert Andreas Tomek live wie… Read More

FIT-IT Prämierung “Höchstleistung bitte!”

An internal committee selected the research project Minesweeper as the best research project in the research track “Trust in IT-systems”. We received a 2.5-year research grant for five researchers. Photos © Fotodienst / Anna Rauchenberger… Read More

TUnITe @ sba

The event Business TUnITe is hosted by SBA on the 17. 01. 2007. Business TUnITe 17. 01. 2007 Eine Veranstaltung der Studiendekanin für Wirtschaftsinformatik und der Fachschaft Wirtschaftsinformatik der TU Wien Triff Top-Führungskräfte… …in entspannter Atmosphäre! „Business TUNITE“ ist eine Veranstaltung der Studiendekanin für Wirtschafsinformatik und der Fachschaft… Read More

ENISA visits SBA

ENISA representatives visited Secure Business Austria to discuss future common projects. ENISA Repräsentanten besuchen Secure Business Austria um zukünftige gemeinsame Projekte zu diskutieren. Read More


We are proud to announce that our team member Andreas Tomek took the victory in Microsoft’s 2006 Imagine Cup in Delhi, India! We applaud him to his effort, all the more considering he had to beat 27.000(!) contestants from all over the world. The theme of this year’s Imagine Cup… Read More