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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

“Digital Genome” Safeguards Dying Data Formats

quoted from ACM  Queue: “European researchers have deposited a “digital genome” time capsule inside a data storage facility known as the Swiss Fort Knox, which contains a blueprint that future generations can use to read data stored using obsolete technology. The capsule is the result of the four-year Planets… Read More

ARES 2010 Keynotes online

This year’s ARES conference was a great success. We really enjoyed our two keynotes; the videos of Gene Spafford and Ross Anderson are now online! (more on keynotes…)

May 6, 2010: Impact 2010

Our annual event for partners, researchers and everyone who is interested in the research of our center (more…)

Forensic Workshop: Memory analysis with Andreas Schuster

Andreas Schuster will present a special forensics workshop ragarding memory analysis. The workshop will take place on the 22/23 of april, 2010 and will focus on: Intel x86 hardware platform Random Access Memory (RAM) Techniques of adressing Forensic backup of the RAM, methods and tools Windows memory management Objects of… Read More