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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Timbus projects starts March 1, 2011

The digital preservation problem is well-understood for query-centric information scenarios but has been less explored for scenarios where the important digital information to be preserved is the execution context within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered. Furthermore, preservation is often considered as a set of activities carried out… Read More


SBA is via AARIT part of the ABCDE project and will accept follows that want to join the research center. Read More

Information Security Knowledge Management Survey

We kindly ask you to participate in our information security knowledge management survey. The survey is conducted by publicly-funded research institutions SBA Research (AT), Newcastle University (UK), and Vienna University of Technology (AT). We conduct the survey to explore potential ways of enabling companies and professionals to share information security… Read More

APARSEN project starts on Jan 1, 2011

Digital preservation (DP) offers the economic and social benefits associated with the long-term preservation of information, knowledge and know-how for re-use by current as well as later generations. However, digital preservation has a great problem, namely that preservation support structures are built on projects which are short lived and is… Read More

Mumia project

The tremendous power and speed of current search engines to respond, almost instantaneously to millions of user queries on a daily basis is one of the greatest successes of the past decade. While this technology empowers users need to extract relevant information from the hundreds of thousands of terabytes of… Read More

EU projects!

Andreas Rauber has been very successful. He brought several new EU projects to the center: APARSEN, TIMBUS and Mumia. Moreover, we will start with INMOTOS and we hope to attract one or two ERCIM fellows. …more information will be posted soon…… Read More

Martin Mulazzani at Purdue University

Martin Mulazzani will work the next months at Purdue University in Lafayette, IN with Prof. Elisa Bertino and Prof. Christina Nita-Rotaru.


We are attending CCS 2010 in Chicago and present a poster and a paper at the AISec Workshop.

ISecLab Blog

The researchers of ISecLab, among them Engin Kirda, just launched a nice blog; http://blog.iseclab.org/ http://twitter.com/iseclaborg/