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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

UCC Privacy & Security

Manuel Leitner is holding a lesson about UCC Privacy & Security in cooperation with CON.ECT. The talk is centered on multidimensional communication including audio, video, text and files. Threats endangering the privacy of the transmitted data are shown and defense strategies are presented in this talk.

Wer klaut hier meine Daten: TU Forum

Internetsicherheit, Hacker und Datenschutz Der weltweite freie Datenverkehr hat auch seine Schattenseiten: Unbekümmerte Internetuser gehen viel zu unvorsichtig mit ihren Daten um, wichtige Webseiten weisen oft ernste Schwachstellen auf, Hacker finden immer wieder neue Methoden, in Computersysteme einzudringen. Edgar Weippl (Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme, TU… Read More


Edgar Weippl is elected as vice president and will continue organizing the ECRIM fellowship program for Austria.

IT-SeCX 11.11.11: Social Snapshots

IT-SeCX 11.11.11: Markus Huber presents “Social Snapshots – Digitale Forensik für Soziale Netzwerke” at ITSeCX (more…)

SBA participates at the 2011 “IKT-Zentren Akademie”

Ulrich Bayer did hold a lesson on secure development of web applications at the “IKT-Zentren Akademie” of 2011. The talk included a theoretical and practical introduction to secure web application development and the most common attack vectors. (mehr…)