SBA Research is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.
Kai Zhang (Computer & Information Sciences, Temple University), Topic: Matrix approximation. Nov 28, 3pm, SBA Title: Large Scale Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning Abstract Clustering is a fundamental data explorative step in pattern recognition and machine learning. This talk involves two types of clustering paradigms, the mixture models and graph-based… Read More
“We have subjected the cloud solution from A1 to an architecture analysis and can confirm that the data in the A1 Austria Cloud are stored only on servers that are operated in Austria,” confirms Markus Klemen, CEO of Secure Business Austria Research. (mehr…)
“Oft sind es erstaunlich simple Sicherheitslücken, die im Internet für Datenklau-Attacken ausgenützt werden.” (Gastkommentar Edgar Weippl, Wiener Zeitung)
Manuel Leitner is holding a lesson about UCC Privacy & Security in cooperation with CON.ECT. The talk is centered on multidimensional communication including audio, video, text and files. Threats endangering the privacy of the transmitted data are shown and defense strategies are presented in this talk.
Internetsicherheit, Hacker und Datenschutz Der weltweite freie Datenverkehr hat auch seine Schattenseiten: Unbekümmerte Internetuser gehen viel zu unvorsichtig mit ihren Daten um, wichtige Webseiten weisen oft ernste Schwachstellen auf, Hacker finden immer wieder neue Methoden, in Computersysteme einzudringen. Edgar Weippl (Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme, TU… Read More