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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA participates at the 2011 “IKT-Zentren Akademie”

Ulrich Bayer did hold a lesson on secure development of web applications at the “IKT-Zentren Akademie” of 2011. The talk included a theoretical and practical introduction to secure web application development and the most common attack vectors. (mehr…)

Piwik vulnerability

Manuel found and reported a vulnerability. Excerpt from the changelog (Piwik 1.6): “Security: we would like to thank the following people for their responsible disclosure: […] Secure Business Austria […] Thank you to all these people for disclosing security issues to the Piwik team, ensuring a healthy and safe… Read More

Webinar: Cloud Security

We present a short overview of security issue in cloud-based storage services at conect’s Webinar series “Security & Risk Management”.

Securing XML archives for Search Based Applications – John Tait

Securing XML archives for Search Based Applications (Talk by John Tait; Oct 19; 10am SBA) There has been a recent trend to produce what are known as Search Based Applications. One strand of this work is based on the observation that many organisation keep legacy transaction orientated systems up and… Read More

CCS 2011: The Power of Procrastination

Clemens Kolbitsch recently finished his PhD  supervised by Engin Kirda and Chris Kruegel. Tomorrow, he will present his paper “The Power of Procrastination: Detection and Mitigation of Execution-Stalling Malicious Code” at CCS 2011. Clemens will shortly join our partner company TLLOD.

Manuel Leithner – ORF

Manuel Leithner presented weaknesses of Facebook, WLANs and Smartphones on ORF (youtube).

Talk on Cloud Security

Edgar Weippl presents the Usenix paper at the Conect Event on Security (schedule).

Data Loss Prevention

“Die letzten Veröffentlichungen sind zwar relativ gewichtig, weil es sich um sensible Daten handelt, aber technisch gesehen nicht unbedingt aufwendig”, sagt Martin Mulazzani von SBA Research, einem Wiener Forschungsinstitut für IT-Security (derstandard.at)… Read More