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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

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Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter

The Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter has been chartered by ACM’s Chief Operating Officer on February 13, 2012. SBA Research is strongly involved in this chapter.  … Read More

1st Young Researcher’s Day – 01.03.2012

Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl and Edgar Weippl cordially invite to the 1st Young Researcher’s Day which will take place during the OCG working group „IT security“ on 01/03/2012. The basic idea behind this event is the desire that every Austrian institution that offers a security course or teaching focus, provides their best… Read More

Gravierende Schwachstellen in Kurznachrichtendiensten für Smartphones gefunden

Smartphone-Applikationen zum Versenden von kostenlosen Kurznachrichten erfreuen sich auch in Österreich zunehmender Beliebtheit, allen voran WhatsApp, das auf bereits mehr als 180 000 Smartphones in Österreich installiert ist. Die einfache Konfiguration – das Anlegen eines Benutzerkontos ist nicht erforderlich – trägt einerseits zu dieser rasanten Verbreitung bei, andererseits sorgt dieses… Read More

Web Salon 2012

Heute (1. Februar) um 19 Uhr bietet Manuel Leithner im Rahmen des Web Salon 2012, veranstaltet von saferinternet.at, in Form eines Webinars praktische Tips und Informationen zum Thema Sicherheit auch für Computerunvertraute an. Die Teilnahme ist frei, Anmeldung jedoch erforderlich.

Guest talk: John Tait on Semantic Search: New Developments

Semantic Search: New Developments John Tait, Jan 31, 14:30 SBA Research The term Semantic Search is becoming fashionable, but there are a number of problems with the term. 1) There are at least two forms of semantic search. One is based more-or-less hand programmed knowledge sources, like domain ontologies or… Read More

IEEE Spectrum: A Cloud you can trust

“In a paper they presented at the Usenix Security Symposium in August, Martin Mulazzani and his colleagues at SBA Research [PDF], in Vienna, described several ways in which deduplication could be used to access files uploaded to Dropbox. ” (quoted verbatim from Christian Cachin et al., A Cloud you… Read More