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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA Research beim Innovationsgespräch der Stadt Wien – 19.04.2012

SBA Research nimmt am nächsten Innovationsgespräch der Stadt Wien zum Thema „IT-Security und Datenschutz“ am 19. April 2012 teil! Neben spannenden Vorträgen werden wir auch als Speeddating-Kandidaten vor Ort sein um in Einzelgesprächen inhaltliche Details zu vertiefen! Das genaue Programm: http://bit.ly/ypkezU Die offizielle Einladung: ZIT – Die Technologieagentur der Stadt Wien GmbH und… Read More

Future Network Management Forum am 21.3.2012

Am 21.3.2012 findet in der Industriellenvereinigung am Schwarzenbergplatz das Management Forum zum Thema “Mittelfristige Prognose der österreichischen Wirtschaft bis 2016” statt. Markus Klemen wird als Teilnehmer der Podiumsdiskussion vertreten sein. Programm und Anmeldung

DIAMONDS workshop held at SBA Research

SBA Research is holding the current workshop for the international DIAMONDS project in Vienna (http://www.itea2-diamonds.org/index.html). This meeting brings together specialists from all over europe to discuss current developments on the security testing sector.

IJSSE Special Issue: Submission Deadline Mar 7

International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE), Special Issue Call for Papers “Lessons learned in engineering secure & dependable Web applications” Special Issue Editors: Martin Gilje Jaatun, SINTEF ICT, Norway Edgar Weippl, SBA Research, Austria Riccardo Scandariato, KU Leuven, Belgium Cfp… Read More

ARES Keynotes

Annie I. Antón and Chenxi Wang are the keynote speakers at this year’s ARES conference.

Guest Talk: Dominik Malcik

Dominik Malcik presents his research activities at Brno University of Technology. Feb. 21st 2pm. @ SBA-Research

Guest Talk: Darren Carlson – Dynamix: A Community-centric, Plug-and-Play Context Framework

Dynamix: A Community-centric, Plug-and-Play Context Framework Mobile users increasingly expect software applications to adapt fluidly across a broad range of everyday situations, environments and hardware platforms. Although contextual information is widely recognized as an essential foundation of self-adapting software, existing context modeling and management techniques presuppose significant domain expertise in… Read More