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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Book Review by Manuel Leithner: Low Tech Hacking

Low Tech Hacking, Jack Wiles, Terry Gudaitis, Jennifer Jabbusch, Russ Rogers, Sean Lowther (authors). Review by Manuel Leithner and Edgar Weippl.  “Penetration testing, be it internal or external, is one of today’s most common and useful tools for auditing the security of any organization’s IT infrastructure.” (more…)  … Read More

Research Report 2012 / Leistungsbilanz

Our Research Report 2012 is out. On more than 70 pages you can find all information about our research center, our research areas, our partners and much more!

Trust 2012

SBA Research hosts the Trust 2012 conference, which started today.  … Read More

Markus Huber im Ö1 Journal

An interview concerning social network security. Ö1 aired the interview in their daily journals on June 8th 2012. Listen to the interview here: OE1_Journal120608_Huber

OCG Podiumsdiskussion: Ist die Vorratsdatenspeicherung verfassungswidrig?

Eine Veranstaltung der OCG in Kooperation mit der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien. Paneldiskussion mit Oberstaatsanwalt Mag. Peter Gildemeister, OStA Wien Dr. Klaus M. Steinmaurer, Leiter Rechtsabteilung T-Mobile Austria ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. DDr. Erich Schweighofer, OCG AK Rechtsinformatik, Uni Wien, WZRI Priv.Doz. DI Mag. Dr. Edgar Weippl, SBA… Read More