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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Social Snapshots im “Best of Students”

Unsere Social Snapshot Framework wurde in der Wintersemesterausgabe 2012 von DURST (Studentemagazin des Falters) vorgestellt. Der Artikel ist in der Online Ausgabe von DURST verfügbar, zum Artikel (“Was darf deine App von dir wissen?” Seite 9).

Guest talk: Privacy and Security issues in Published or Outsourced Databases

Privacy and Security issues in Published or Outsourced Databases by Dimitris Sacharidis The concept of k-anonymity has received considerable attention due to the need of several organizations to release microdata without revealing the identity of individuals. Standard anonymization techniques assume the existence of a public database that a… Read More

Kommentar zu QR-Code-Sicherheit

Peter Kieseberg gab eine Einschätzung zu einer neuen Applikation von QR-Codes in einem kürzlich erschienen Pressetext.at-Artikel.

IFIP TC8 meeting

A Min Tjoa (TC 8 vice chair) and Edgar Weippl (WG 8.4 chair) presented their activities at the TC 8 meeting in Volendam near Amsterdam.