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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

IPICS 2013: Samos, Greece

Edgar Weippl gives a lecture on Social Engineering and Research Ethics at the IPICS Summer School in Samos, Greece.

MAPO: Malware Analysis, Privacy & Obfuscation

We just received an important grant to improve the research capabilities of several industrial partners. The topics of this grant are Malware Analysis, Privacy & Obfuscation.

SBA Research in der ZIT Broschüre

SBA Research ist in der neuen ZIT Broschüre „Symbiose von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in Wien – COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies“ vertreten.

3rd Young Researcher’s Day 2013

Nach zwei erfolgreichen Young Researcher‘s Days starten wir heute in Runde drei. Frau Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl und Herr Edgar Weippl laden ganz herzlich zum 3rd Young Researcher’s Day ein, der im Rahmen des ACM SIGSAC Chapters Vienna und des OCG-Arbeitskreises IT-Sicherheit am 25.06.2013 stattfindet. Als Grundgedanke hinter diesem Event steht der… Read More

TRUST 2013

Today is the first day of the TRUST 2013 Conference, which is hosted by the Imperial College London and supported by SBA Research. The TRUST 2013 Conference takes place from 17-19 June 2013 in London, UK. Website

TU Darmstadt: Open positions for PhD students

Two positions are currently open at TU Darmstadt: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter “Sichere Kritische Infrastrukturen” and Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter “Privacy By Design” (more…). If you are interested you can either contact Edgar Weippl at SBA or Stefan Katzenbeisser directly. Joint supervision (TU Wien and TU Darmstadt) of the PhD thesis is possible.